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AUPresses Webinar – Making Books Accessible: A New Guide

This webinar will present an overview of the new guidelines published by the Association of University Presses for making books accessible. Written in clear, non-technical language, the guide provides background information to help clarify the difference between accessibility standards (like WCAG), specifications (like the new EPUB Accessibility 1.1 Recommendation from the W3C) and regulations (like the European Accessibility Act), and how best to comply with them. It groups issues into categories that can help presses determine where in the editorial and production workflow they can best be addressed: design, content structure, navigation, images, and metadata. A convenient one-page checklist is provided for keeping track of which issues have been addressed and which remain to be dealt with in the course of a book’s development and production. Finally, an extensive appendix provides a wealth of authoritative resources that will be useful to presses on their accessibility journey.

Speaker: Bill Kasdorf, Principal of Kasdorf & Associates, LLC

Event Details


January 16, 2024 – January 16, 2024


11:00 A.M. EDT

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