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Committees & Task Forces

The work of AUPresses Committees and Task Forces, staffed by volunteer members, is essential to the Association. Learn more about committee service. Below, browse Committees of the BoardCommittees of the Association, and Task Forces for current rosters and charges. Final committee reports are generally available to members as part of the Annual Business Meeting materials.

Committees of the Board

Admissions & Standards Committee
Christie Henry, Princeton, Chair

Audit Committee
Saleem Dhamee, Chicago, Chair

Nominating Committee
Lisa Bayer, Georgia, Chair

Committees of the Association

Acquisitions Editorial Committee
Suzanne Guiod, Bucknell, Chair

2024 Annual Meeting Program Committee
David Aycock, Baylor, and Michelle Sybert, Notre Dame, Co-Chairs

Book, Jacket, and Journal Show Committee
David Zielonka, Stanford, Chair

Digital Publishing Committee
Julia Cook, Rochester, and Emily Zoss, National Gallery of Art, Co-Chairs

Editorial, Design, and Production Committee
Jason Gosnell, Marine Corps, Chair 

Equity, Justice, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee
Wren Morgan Myers, Virginia, Chair 

Faculty Outreach Committee
Jennifer Keegan, Louisiana State, Chair 

Financial Operations Committee
Erich van Rijn, California, Chair 

Intellectual Property & Copyright Committee
Neal Swain, California, and Clara Totten, Kent State, Co-Chairs

Investment Committee
Dennis Lloyd, Wisconsin, Chair 

Journals Committee
Katharine Easterby, Liverpool, and Jennifer Sacher, ASCSA, Co-Chairs 

Library Relations Committee
Stephen Hull, New Mexico, Chair  

Marketing Committee
Peter Perez, North Carolina, Chair 

Open Access Committee
Justin Race, Purdue, Chair 

Professional Development Committee
Megan Mendonca, Princeton, and Bethany Wasik, Cornell, Co-Chairs 

Task Forces

Career Progression Task Force
Charles Watkinson, Michigan, Chair

University Press Week Task Force
Gigi Lamm, Penn, Chair

AI Advisory Group 2024

Completed Task Forces

Task Forces are regularly appointed by AUPresses Presidents to undertake important projects and closely study key issues on behalf of the Association. When their work has been completed and final report accepted by the Board of Directors, these Task Forces are sunsetted, but the work continues to influence Association activities, Committee charges, and policy directions.

Task Forces that have most recently completed their work include: Open Access; Operating Statistics; Gender, Equity, and Cultures of Respect; Diversity & Inclusion; and Research.

Learn more about the important work of past Task Forces >

Ние ja унапредуваме основната улога на глобалната заедница на издавачи чија мисија е да обезбеди одличен академски квалитет и да култивира знаење.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Macedonian