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The Association of University Presses is dedicated to the support of creative and effective scholarly communications, and we appreciate the many contributors to the continued success of our community and mission. Participation in the AUPresses Partners Program offers an opportunity for key service providers and related organizations to give annual support to the Association and be formally recognized by AUPresses for that support. AUPresses Partners help us to strengthen and energize the future of scholarly communication.

Learn more about the benefits of becoming an AUPresses Partner.

View the AUPresses bulletin – Partners Special Edition 2024

2024 Partners


Books International

Firebrand Group

George Washington University, Master of Professional Studies in Publishing

Ingram Content Group


Klopotek AG



Publishers’ Graphics

Thomson Reuters Core Publishing Solutions

Ubiquity Press

Versa Press

Virtusales Publishing Solutions

우리는 학문적 우수성의 확립과지식의 보급 및 증진의 사명을 담당하는 글로벌 출판인 공동체로서의 본질적인 역할을 추구하고자 한다.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Korean