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Become a Member

The Association of University Presses is a membership organization of nonprofit scholarly publishers, publishing to high editorial and professional standards.

Our members fall into three categories: Regular; Affiliate; and Introductory Members. AUPresses members share a common commitment to scholarship, the academy, and society; and the Association also upholds this commitment. Scholarly publishers join the Association to support both their day-to-day work and their broader mission to disseminate the fruits of scholarship far and wide.

All AUPresses members are non-profit, have established the scholarly character of their publishing programs, and meet certain additional eligibility requirements. The Association does not currently offer membership to individuals, although individuals not employed by an AUPresses member can participate in many professional development programs, including the annual meeting. If your organization is not eligible for one of the membership categories, you may wish to consider becoming an AUPresses Partner.

Membership Interest Form

Eligibility Requirements

Ние ja унапредуваме основната улога на глобалната заедница на издавачи чија мисија е да обезбеди одличен академски квалитет и да култивира знаење.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Macedonian