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Task Forces Archive

Past Committees & Task Forces

The following task forces and committees have completed their charges and been retired. Their work, in the form of research, reports, handbooks, and recommendations to the board and staff, has been of immense value to the Association.

Digital Publishing Committee
When the Digital Publishing Committee evolved from the “Electronic Committee” (itself the descendant of the “Computer Committee”) its aim was to cultivate and share knowledge as presses began to embrace not just using digital technologies in traditional publishing but publishing in multiple print and digital formats. The issues and technologies of digital publishing are no longer esoteric or siloed, but instead deeply embedded across all departments and activities of a press. After developing several collaborative projects with other committees in recent years, the Digital Publishing Committee was disbanded in 2024, folding its work—on topics such as Accessibility—more explicitly into the charges of other committees and working groups. In addition to supporting this digital publishing focus across committees, AUPresses will continue to make provisions for the discussion of digital publishing within the community. Currently, the Association offers a number of relevant interest groups on UP Commons including groups focused on Publishing Technologies, AI in PublishingAccessibility, ONIX and Metadata Issues, and Open Access. See the full list of interest groups on UP Commons and learn how to develop new interest groups.

Open Access Task Force
This group transitioned into a permanent committee in June 2021. During two years of preliminary work, the task force undertook 2 major membership surveys to track Open Access programs and perspectives both just before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, canvassed the landscape of potential partnerships around OA issues, and developed a set of recommendations that shape the charge of the new OA Committee.

Operating Statistics Force
Concluding its work in late 2020, this Task Force undertook a comprehensive review of the Operating Statistics and challenges to expanding that data set to begin to represent and track different business practices. The Task Force also explored platforms for delivering more dynamic views of the statistics, providing a road map and recommendations for future committees and working groups.

Gender, Equity, and Cultures of Respect Task Force
Established by 2018-19 President Jennifer Crewe (Columbia) and chaired by Christie Henry (Princeton), studied gender-related issues facing the community and issued a report recommending to the Board, the EJI Committee, and member presses policies, programs, and resources to increase gender-equity, confront hostility, and foster respect. Members will find the report, recommendations, and supporting materials hosted on UP Commons.

Diversity & Inclusion Task Force
This 2017-2018 task force was chaired by Gita Manaktala (MIT) and Larin McLaughlin (Washington). A Resource List (PDF) was compiled and shared, and the recommendation to create a full Equity, Justice, & Inclusion Committee to build on their work was adopted. The final report to the board is available to members via UP Commons.

Research Task Force
Established in 2016 and chaired by Elizabeth Windsor (Johns Hopkins/MUSE), this task force was charged with developing a research agenda for the association in line with a number of strategic goals. In 2019, an outcomes summary of their work (PDF) was accepted by the Board.

Book, Jacket, and Journal Show Task Force
This task force, chaired by Jill Shimabukuro (Chicago) and Linda Secondari (Oxford) was convened to assess the state of the annual design show to determine what, if any, changes need to be made to ensure that the competition remains relevant to UP publishing practices, and that it serves and reflects our community. The task force developed recommendations going forward from January 2017.

Small Press Task Force
Led by Jim McCoy (Iowa), the Small Press Task Force was charged in 2016 with reviewing existing Association resources and benefits of value to Group 1 presses, communicating resources more effectively to smaller presses, and making recommendations about how the Association may best serve the small press community.

Association Structure Task Force
As part of the implementation of the 2014 strategic plan, the Board established this task force to help determine if the previous structure of the Association was in line with the needs of the membership. The members of the task force represented all of the previous tiers and member types (except Introductory).

Business Handbook Task Force
Charged with creating and maintaining the AUPresses Business Handbook, a tool that continues to be an essential reference for all members. The Business Systems Committee has current responsibility for the Handbook.

Task Force on Committees and Task Forces
Chaired by Richard Brown (Georgetown), this task force undertook a comprehensive review of the Association’s committee structure and policies. Recommendations for revised policies and procedures were submitted to the Board in June 2009 and adopted over subsequent terms.

Task Force on Economic Models
Established by 2009-2010 AAUP President Kathleen Keane (Johns Hopkins) to study and report on issues in a changing scholarly communications ecology. The Task Force Report, “Sustaining Scholarly Publishing: New Business Models for University Presses,” was released in March 2011. 

Eco-Publishing Task Force (and Committee)
Groups interested in the environmental impact of publishing have worked at various times as a task force, working group, and committee. Members worked with the Book Industry Environmental Council and the Green Press Initiative, published articles, held sessions, and created tools such as “How to Green Your Office” (2011).

National Sales Account Task Force
Appointed by 2003-04 President Seetha Srinivasan (Mississippi) in order to broaden the membership’s understanding of national sales accounts, and improve relationships with those accounts. The task force issued several informative reports and developed discounted benefit programs with sales data services such as Publisher Alley and Nielsen BookScan.

Strategic Plan Task Force
2005-06 President Lynne Withey (California) appointed a strategic planning group, chaired by Alex Holzman (Temple), which developed a plan adopted in 2007.


— AUPresses Mission Statement in Chinese (Traditional)