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#RaiseUP: How University Presses Work for Overlooked Authors & Ideas

In a time when information moves at faster speeds than ever before, it’s critical that books about the most important events of the day are nurtured, championed, and made widely available. Join staff and authors from the university press community to discuss how they strive to elevate disciplines, subjects, and authors that bring new perspectives, ideas, and voices to readers around the globe. This event is part of the fall programming for University Press Week (November 9-15), which this year has the theme of “Raise UP.”

Panelists include: 

Fred Nachbaur, Director, Fordham University Press
Pamela Lewis, Author, Teaching While Black: A New Voice on Race and Education in New York City
Ilene Kalish, Executive Editor, NYU Press
Jane Ward, Author, The Tragedy of Heterosexuality
Eric Schwartz, Editorial Director, Columbia University Press
Lance M. Freeman, Author, A Haven and a Hell: The Ghetto in Black America 

Event Details


October 1, 2020 – October 1, 2020


7 pm ET

आम्ही अशा जागतिक प्रकाशक समाजाच्या अत्यावश्यक भूमिकेची प्रगती करतो ज्यांच मुख्य कार्य शैक्षणिक श्रेष्ठतेची व ज्ञानाच्या जोपासण्याची हमी देणे आहे.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Marathi