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NISO Virtual Humanities Roundtable

This year’s NISO Humanities Roundtable will focus on The Monograph in an Evolving Humanities Ecosystem with contributions from experts including:

Lisa M. Bayer, AUPresses President and Director, University of Georgia Press
Liz Krznarich, Adoption Manager, DataCite
Paula Krebs, Executive Director, Modern Language Association
Charles Watkinson, Director, University of Michigan Press

Learn more about the event and view the agenda.

Event Details


October 20, 2021 – October 20, 2021


11am-4pm ET

Vi fremmer den vigtige indsats hos en verdensomspændende sammenslutning af forlag, hvis væsentligste opgave er at sikre fremragende akademisk arbejde og styrke vidensformidling.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Danish