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Board Service

What does the AUPresses Board of Directors Do?

The Board of Directors of the Association establishes policy for AUPresses with consideration of “the wishes of the membership [(presses)], and the constituency [(the employees of member publishers)].” (Association Bylaws, Article V, Section1.) Among the board’s primary responsibilities are approving an annual budget, providing oversight to the Executive Director, monitoring the financial performance of the Association and its assets, and considering for approval proposals and projects recommended by staff, committees, task forces, and other constituents. The full composition and scope of the Association’s Board is governed by our organization’s by-laws, and the detailed language can be found in Article V.

Board roles include the President, President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, and Directors-at-large; the Executive Director serves ex officio. The five officers form the executive committee, on which the Executive Director also serves as a non-voting ex officio member. All elected officers and board members serve 3-year terms. The overlapping terms of elect, past, and current presidents have allowed for continuity of governance and shared commitments to multi-year projects. The overlapping terms of elect- and current treasurers allow for people serving in that role to get up to speed in year one before taking responsibility for financial reporting in year two. Treasurers serve a third year as a “Director-at-large,” providing a valuable source of institutional knowledge and advice before cycling off of the board.

Registered members can read more details about the responsibilities of the Board of Directors on UP Commons.

Who are the AUPresses Board of Directors?

As an association founded to serve the interests of its member publishing organizations, our board members are all representatives of that community. Rather than recruiting from external constituencies and areas of general expertise, the officers and directors of the AUPresses board are all individuals employed by member presses. Many but not all board members are press directors, and representation from across publishing departments is regularly sought. Each year, nominations are sought and reviewed with an eye to what will bring balance and broad representation to the Board of Directors across a diversity of expertise, press types, and identities.

Learn more about our current Board roster and past presidents of the Association.

Who is Eligible to Serve on the AUPresses Board?

Staff at Regular Member Presses are eligible to be elected to the board. Nominees for the office of Treasurer are expected to have a financial or business background. Nominees for the office of president must be directors at regular member presses who previously have served a term as a Director-at-large. Board members do not usually serve more than one term, except in the case of a one-time Director-at-large being elected as an officer. On rare occasions, Treasurers may serve more than one term. Nominees to the board are expected to have demonstrated significant service to the community, either through volunteer constituency roles and/or within the wider community as a mentor or advocate.

How are Board Members Selected?

Toward the end of each calendar year a call for nominations is distributed to all AUPresses constituents. The nominating committee is charged with issuing a call for the number of officers and board members needed in the next term. All members of the constituency (the employees of member publishers) are welcome to submit nominations; eligible nominees who are not selected in a given year may be re-nominated in the future.

As a Committee of the Board under the Association’s bylaws, the nominating committee is appointed by the board of directors. The Nominating Committee is generally chaired by the past president who has most recently left board service. (Members can read more about this Committee in the AUPresses Policies & Procedures Handbook, 3.32). This committee reviews all nominations and selects a slate to propose at the Winter Meeting of the AUPresses Board of Directors. The Board considers and votes on the proposed slate; the approved slate of nominees is then voted on by the full voting membership at the Annual Business Meeting. If approved by the membership, the newly elected members begin their terms of service immediately.

If the annual call for nominations is open, it can be found on UP Commons.

ننهض بالدور الأساسي للمجتمع العالمي من دور النشر التي تتمثّل مهمتها في ضمان التفوّق الأكاديمي وتنمية المعرفة.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Arabic