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Committee Roster

Saleem Dhamee, Chicago, Chair (sdhamee AT uchicago DOT edu)
Alexandria Leonard, Princeton 
Tara Cyphers, Ohio State 

Central Office Liaison
Kim Miller


General Objective:

  • Provide oversight to the conduct of the Association’s annual financial audit.

Specific Charges to the Audit Committee:

  1. Meet with the independent accounting firm responsible for the annual audit to review procedures, answer questions, and receive the audit report.
  2. Review the final audit report, following up with the accounting firm as necessary.
  3. Report annually to the Board (at its meeting following the conclusion of the audit) and the membership (at the annual business meeting) on the audit’s outcome.

ما نقش اساسی جامعهٔ جهانی ناشران را، که وظیفهٔ آن تضمین پیشرفت تحصیلی و ترویج دانش است، گسترش می‌دهیم

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Persian