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Intellectual Property & Copyright


Committee Roster

Neal Swain, California, Co-Chair (nswain AT ucpress DOT edu)
Clara Totten, Kent State, Co-Chair (ctotten1 AT kent DOT edu)     
Aurora Bell, South Carolina
Andrea Gapsch, Purdue 
Eleanor Goodman, Penn State 
Alex Gupta, Pennsylvania 
Joyce Harrison, Kansas
Kerin Ogg, Duke 
Leslie Rollins, Getty 
Stephanie Vyce, Harvard 

Board Liaison
Charles Watkinson, Michigan 

Central Office Liaison
Kate Kolendo


General Objectives:

  • Act as a resource to the membership for matters concerning the use, development, and exercise of intellectual property rights.

Specific Charges to the Intellectual Property & Copyright Committee:

  1. Evaluate the opportunities that collaborations to digitize and make available university press backlist titles might offer to Association members; continue to support the work of the New York Public Library in this regard.
  2. Develop education programming with a focus on Fair Useand Creative Commons, including dissemination of information about Fair Use and social media, the international implications of Fair Use and Fair Dealing, and nuances of Creative Commons licenses.
  3. Continue to support the work of the Race and IP Curriculum Project.
  4. Complete revisions to online AUPresses resources on intellectual property and permissions, including updating sample materials and addressing challenges of maintaining access to third-party assets in digital publications over the long haul / in perpetuity. 

Common Charges to All Committees of the Corporation:

  • Include your board and staff liaisons in all committee communications and activities.
  • Use UP Commons as your primary communications and collaboration tool.
  • Encourage discussions on appropriate UP Commons groups.
  • Coordinate all research and survey activity through the Central Office.
  • Seek opportunities to support the Association’s core value of diversity & inclusion by engaging in activities and developing programs that include participation from diverse members of the community and/or that aim to increase equity and inclusivity in our community.
  • Seek opportunities to support the goals of the Association’s 2016 membership restructuring by integrating into your committee activities the participation of colleagues from non-North American member presses.
  • Support the Annual Meeting Program Committee as requested, and include in your final report to the board any suggestions for future programming your committee identifies over the year.
  • Seek opportunities when conducting activities and events to recruit new members to serve on your committee in future years, being sure to emphasize diversity, equity, and inclusion in your efforts; include in your final report to the board discussion of your recruiting efforts; share with the Executive Director the names of potential future committee members.
  • Submit reports on Committee activities to the Association Board in time for its October, March, and June meetings. Interim reports are due on 22 September 2023, and 1 March 2024; final reports that recap all committee activities for the year and are shared with the membership are due 31 May 2024. (For convenience, please reproduce your Charge & Tasks at the beginning of all reports, and list the names and institutional affiliations of all committee members, along with board and staff liaisons.)
  • Apply the lens of equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization to all committee work.
  • Appoint a member of your committee to serve as a liaison to the Equity, Justice, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee, providing updates on your committee’s EJIB efforts, seeking information, support, or guidance on EJIB matters as needed, and attending Fall and Spring meetings for liaisons sponsored by EJIB Committee.
  • Review your General Objective and Specific Tasks at the end of the service year and recommend changes for next year to the Executive Director.
Committee Projects

Permissions FAQ
The Association’s IP & Copyright Committee created and continues to steward this essential resource for both authors and publishers who are navigating responsibilities around permissions and third-party rights.

Promovemos o função essencial de uma comunidade global de editores cuja missão é garantir a excelência acadêmica e cultivar o conhecimento.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Portuguese