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Open Access Task Force


Task Force Roster

Erich van Rijn, California, Chair (evanrijn AT ucpress DOT edu)
Carsten Fenger-Grøndahl, Aarhus
Geoffrey Little, Concordia   
Michael Regoli, Indiana
Tony Sanfilippo, Ohio State   
John Sherer, North Carolina 
Lara Speicher, UCL 
Kelley A. Squazzo, Johns Hopkins  

Board Liaison
Mary Francis, Pennsylvania

Central Office Liaison
Brenna McLaughlin


General Objective:

  • Explore and recommend to the Board ways in which the Association can support member presses pursuing or interested in OA publishing, including promoting understanding of rapidly evolving government and funder requirements, OA business models, and best practices around the dissemination of OA scholarship.

Specific Charges to the Open Access Task Force:

  • Pursue collection of new OA data and pandemic-related usage information from publishers and platforms; consider undertaking a revised member survey, consulting as necessary with the Digital Publishing and Journals Committees and the Task Force on Operating Statistics. 
  • Evaluate and advise on how the Association can best gather and disseminate data on open access publishing to the membership going forward.
  • Assess and report on the current state of support the Association provides for members engaged or interested in OA publishing. 
  • Recommend specific ways the Association can incorporate continued responsibility for Open Access issues into existing committees’ charges or alternatively if a new group is needed.
  • Evaluate OA publishing infrastructure available to members.
  • Revise preliminary report and make final recommendations to Board on support the Association could provide if warranted.

Common Charges:

  • Include your board and staff liaisons in all committee communications and activities.
  • Use UP Commons as your primary communications and collaboration tool.
  • Encourage discussions on appropriate UP Commons Group
  • Coordinate all research and survey activity through the Central Office.
  • Seek opportunities to support the Association’s core value of diversity by engaging in activities and developing programs that include participation from diverse members of the community and/or that aim to increase equity and inclusivity in our community.
  • Seek opportunities to support the goals of the Association’s 2016 membership restructuring by integrating into your committee activities the participation of colleagues from non-North American member presses.
  • Support the Annual Meeting Program Committee as requested, and include in your final report to the board any suggestions for future programming your committee identifies over the course of the year.
  • Submit reports on Committee activities to the Association Board in time for its October, March, and June meetings. Interim reports are due on October 8, 2020, and February 25, 2021; final reports that recap all committee activities for the year and are shared with the membership are due May 20, 2021. (For convenience, please reproduce your Charge & Tasks at the beginning of all reports, and list the names and institutional affiliations of all committee members.)
  • Review your General Objective and Specific Tasks at the end of the service year, and recommend changes for next year to the Executive Director.

Ние ja унапредуваме основната улога на глобалната заедница на издавачи чија мисија е да обезбеди одличен академски квалитет и да култивира знаење.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Macedonian