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University Press Week


Task Force Roster

Gigi Lamm, Indiana, Chair (glamm AT iu DOT edu)
Carrie Adams, Chicago
Julie Atkins, Bristol
Erik Beranek, Princeton
Julia Haav, Princeton
Catherine Hobbs, Columbia 
Cate Hodorowicz, North Carolina
Kayla Kiteley, Toronto
Elisia Snyder, Alberta
Nicole Utter, Michigan State 
Kevin Worrall, Edinburgh

Board Liaison
Jane Bunker, Cornell

Central Office Liaison
Annette Windhorn

Central Office Staff Support
McKenzi Thi Murphy

Campaign Publicists
Lauren Carrane, Sharp Pencil Marketing
Jeremy Wang-Iverson, Vesto PR


General Objective:

  • To plan for the thirteenth annual University Press Week, November 11-15, 2024
What is University Press Week?

November 11-17, 2012 was the first annual University Press Week, an opportunity to raise awareness of the work of university presses within their communities and around the world. University presses and other nonprofit scholarly publishers perform invaluable services for the scholarly establishment—researchers, teachers, librarians, and the rest of the university community—but also for the broader world of readers, and ultimately to society itself. While AUPresses members undertake this work year-round and individually highlight and communicate what they do, University Press Week allows us to celebrate the value and quality of university presses with one voice.

University Press Week events and activities have included: an online gallery of publications selected by presses to exemplify their work; local events, including talks, publishing workshops, and bookstore displays; partnerships with publishing service providers to highlight AUPresses members’ books and projects; and online tools to promote greater awareness of the breadth and depth of university press contributions to scholarship and society.

สำนักพิมพ์ของเรามุ่งก้าวไปสู่บทบาทที่จำเป็นต่อการเป็นประชาคมผู้พิมพ์จำหน่ายของโลก โดยมีพันธกิจทำให้เกิดความเป็นเลิศทางวิชาการและปลูกฝังความรู้อย่างแท้จริง.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Thai