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ACLS Open Book Prize Submissions Deadline

ACLS is pleased to announce that submissions for the 2025 ACLS Open Access Book Prize and Arcadia Open Access Publishing Award are now open!

The prizes, generously supported by Arcadia, seek to recognize and reward the authors and publishers of exceptional, innovative, and open humanities scholarship. We hope that the prizes will help to raise the profile and prestige of open access books and encourage greater investment in open scholarship across the humanities and interpretive social sciences. 

In April 2025 four open access monographs will each receive dual awards:
Authors of the winning titles will receive the $20,000 ACLS Open Access Book Prize.
Publishers of the winning titles will receive the $30,000 Arcadia Open Access Publishing Award to support forthcoming books that would not otherwise be published open access. 

The submissions period closes on September 10, 2024

Event Details


September 10, 2024 – September 10, 2024

מיר פֿירן אַריבער די עיקרדיקע ראָלע פֿון אַ גלאָבאַלער געמיינשאַפֿט פֿון פֿאַרלעגערס, װאָס זייער מיסיע איז פֿאַרזיכערן אַקאַדעמישע אויסגעצייכנקייט און קולטוװירן דאָס װיסן. 

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Yiddish