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Adventures in Digital Publishing Webinar: 2020 Dreams

The fifth episode of Adventures in Digital Publishing, a webinar series exploring new kinds of digital publications, will be held virtually on February 28, 2024, at 12pm EST. Join us for a conversation with the team behind 2020 Dreams, an innovative, peer-reviewed digital book published by Stanford University Press in 2023. Please use this link to register now!

Speakers: Maja Gutman Mušič, Researcher at the Institute of Philosophical and Religious Studies and Lecturer at Alma Mater Europaea, Slovenia; Kelly Bulkeley, Director of The Sleep and Dream Database and Senior Editor of Dreaming: The Journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams; Gez Quinn, Software Developer; Jasmine Mulliken, Production and Preservation Manager, Digital Projects, Stanford University Press

Moderator: Philip Leventhal, Executive Editor, Columbia University Press

Adventures in Digital Publishing is a collaboration among Brown University Digital Publications, the Digital Publishing and Open Access Committees of the Association of University Presses, Emory University’s Digital Publishing in the Humanities, and the American Council of Learned Societies. More information about the series and recordings of all the episodes, including an earlier episode on the Stanford University Press Digital Projects program, are available on the series website.

Nous faisons avancer le rôle essentiel de la communauté internationale d’éditeurs dont la mission est de veiller à l’excellence académique et de cultiver le savoir.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in French