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AUPresses Press Directors Hangout: Leading In Times of Political Uncertainty Redux

As we continue to process the dramatic changes occurring as a result of the change in US presidential administrations, along with their potential impact on the higher education ecosystem, we thought creating some optional forums for candid and compassionate director conversations could be useful. Project 2025 includes some unprecedented challenges to higher education, from taxation to fines for equity work. How are various member presses preparing for these potential changes, preparing for possible supply chain disruptions occasioned by new tariffs, and managing budgets and teams in the process? We’ll follow Chatham House Rule, and this session won’t be recorded.

As those who participated in the original December 12th Press Directors Hangout can attest, the conversations then were rich and rewarding. In order to give prior attendees the opportunity to join a different themed breakout, as well as to give new attendees the opportunity to experience collegial support over shared concerns, AUPresses is pleased to host an encore of this important Hangout.

Jane Bunker, Director at Cornell University Press; additional facilitators TBA

Event Details



February 18, 2025 – February 18, 2025


12:00 p.m. EST

nitâhkameyihtenân iyikohk ehispihteyihtakwak 

omasinahikanihkewak misiweskamihk ohci ôma misihatoskewin 

kasîhkimitocik kihcikiskinohamâkosiwin ekwa kiskeyihtamowin

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Cree