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AUPresses Sponsored Webinar: Think Like a Bookshop

Sponsored by Supadu

Now that publishers are directly involved in D2C book sales, our focus is on how to learn from bookshops who have been running author-led reader events for decades, even centuries. From attracting their attention, to reader engagement, and onto a simple shopping experience, join Supadu as we take a look at their successes. We look at how they engage directly with readers through direct marketing, offers, sales, and events; building a community through a broad range of marketing activities including online and offline book clubs, and engaging their authors to provide author-reader experiences through interviews, videos, and events. We will be joined by Davida Breier, author of Sinkhole and Director, HFS and Co-Director, Marketing and Sales at Johns Hopkins University Press, who will share her experiences and answer questions.


Grace Antelme is the Marketing Manager at Supadu, a UK-based company specialising in website and eCommerce solutions for publishers and university presses. Antelme is focused on building Supadu’s relationship with the publishing community through creative and strategic marketing, and through her love of books. She aims to help publishers increase title visibility for their books, primarily in the digital space.

Davida G. Breier has spent the last two decades in various roles within the book industry. Breier is the author of Sinkhole and is currently Director, HFS and Co-Director, Marketing and Sales at Johns Hopkins University Press.

Sarah Arbuthnot is the Commercial, Partnerships and Operations Director at leading publishing website provider Supadu. Arbuthnot has worked for the company since it started in 2010 across customer services and business development. Her interests and experience has been focused on consumer behaviour and specifically how consumers behave in the digital world in respect of what they buy and how they shop.

Event Details


November 17, 2022 – November 17, 2022


11am ET

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