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GW Publishing CareerBuilder: Landing Your First Job in Publishing

Getting your first job in publishing can seem mysterious and arduous. In this Publishing CareerBuilder, we will hear from students and recent graduates of the George Washington University Graduate Program in Publishing on the strategies and resources they used to land their first job in publishing. They’ll discuss what helped them to get their first job, what they learned from GW’s MPS in Publishing program that they are using in their roles, and how they overcame challenges in entering the field.

Moderators: Nicole Mintz, Director of Career Services, GW; John W. Warren, Director and Professor, GW

Panelists: Jay Soglo, Production Controller, Johns Hopkins University Press; Tia Gracey, Associate Editor, American Political Science Association; Managing Editor, GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing; Olivia Haase, Editorial Assistant, Sourcebooks; Lismarie Cuevas, International Sales Coordinator, Sourcebooks

Event Details


October 23, 2023 – October 23, 2023


6-7 PM EDT

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