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GW Publishing CareerBuilder: Utilizing LinkedIn to your Advantage

LinkedIn is more than an electronic resume — it is the predominant professional social network.

Using LinkedIn effectively can help you maintain and develop professional relationships, discover connections at companies you may be interested in, research potential strategic partnerships, and more. In this Publishing CareerBuilder, we’ll explore tips for using LinkedIn, the benefits of networking, and discuss how to connect with professionals in the field. We’ll discuss the elements of a LinkedIn profile that will help you stand out to potential employers, and explore and share strategies for growing your network.

We’ll also have an opportunity to speed network with your fellow students, alumni, and peers in the field.

Moderators: Nicole Mintz, Director of the College of Professional Studies Career Services; John Warren, Publishing Program Director at GWU.

Event Details


December 11, 2023 – December 11, 2023


6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. EDT

אנחנו מקדמים את התפקיד החיוני של קהילת המוציאים לאור העולמית, שהשליחות שלה היא לוודא מצויינות אקדמית וטיפוח ידע

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Hebrew