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Publishing CareerBuilder: Careers in Museum Publishing

Walking into a museum, such as the National Gallery of Art or the National Museum of the American Indian, the first thought that occurs to you may necessarily not be: “This might be a great publisher to work for!” Yet many museums and cultural institutions, large and small, have robust publishing departments, producing beautiful books, exhibition catalogs, magazines, journals, and other content, providing the potential for a rewarding career in museum publishing, from editorial to production, art and design, and more. 

In this month’s Publishing CareerBuilder, we will hear from experienced museum and cultural institution publishers, including Emily Zoss, Managing Editor for Research Publications at the National Gallery of ArtMartina Kado, Director of Publications, Maryland Center for History and CultureTanya Thrasher (Cherokee Nation), Manager, Office of Publications and Editor-in-Chief, American Indian Magazine, Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian; and Becky Clark, Director, Library of Congress Publishing Office. Join us for this exciting Publishing CareerBuilder, to learn about their career paths, how they got into museum publishing, and what skills and experience will be helpful for you in preparing for a career in museum publishing.

Event Details


December 1, 2021 – December 1, 2021


6pm ET

Ние ja унапредуваме основната улога на глобалната заедница на издавачи чија мисија е да обезбеди одличен академски квалитет и да култивира знаење.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Macedonian