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Publishing CareerBuilder: Careers in Publishing Startups

Thad McIlroy’s exhaustive report on startups within the publishing industry identified more than 1,300 publishing startups, mostly within the United States. These new ventures, designed to help authors, readers, and publishers innovate and grow, provide career opportunities for publishing professionals and lessons for those seeking to launch new businesses that can actively reshape the publishing world. 

This Publishing Career Builder will explore the benefits of working for a startup within the field of publishing, as well as lessons from young professionals who have launched their own ventures. We’ll hear from Thad McIlroy, principal, The Future of Publishing, on high-level findings from his report; GW MPS in publishing alumni Brittany Smith, senior editor,, and Amy Megill, founder, Editor Amy; and GW MPS in publishing student Isabella Greene, project manager, Pubvendo, and founder, AbiliTeam Consulting.

Event Details


February 21, 2023 – February 21, 2023


6pm EST

हम एक वैश्विक प्रकाशकों के समुदाय की आवश्यक भूमिका बढ़ाते हैं जिसका लक्ष्य है शैक्षणिक उत्कृष्टता को सुनिश्चित करना और ज्ञान को विकसित करना.

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