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SSP 2023 Journals Academy: Session 3

The SSP Journals Academy, developed by SSP’s Training Task Force, provides virtual training on all areas of academic journals publishing. While this program is designed for early to mid-career publishing staff who wish to broaden their knowledge beyond their current job responsibilities, experienced professionals looking for a refresher or who wish to keep current with best practices are also welcome to attend. Attendees will be exposed to existing and emerging areas of the journals landscape which will help both in their day-to-day duties and as they develop their careers. 

Session 3: Deeper Dive into Scholarly Publishing

Event Details


December 12, 2023 – December 12, 2023


11:00 AM – 2:00 PM EDT



Vi fremmer den vigtige indsats hos en verdensomspændende sammenslutning af forlag, hvis væsentligste opgave er at sikre fremragende akademisk arbejde og styrke vidensformidling.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Danish