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SSP New Directions in Scholarly Publishing Seminar

Navigating the Shifting Sands: Managing Disruptions in Scholarly Communications

Join the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) for its New Directions in Scholarly Publishing Seminar, Navigating the Shifting Sands: Managing Disruptions in Scholarly Communications, on October 4-5, online and in Washington, DC. 

The 2023 New Directions Seminar will focus on how those working in scholarly communications are managing commercial and cultural disruptions. Where are the sands shifting most dramatically? How are content and service providers responding to these disruptions? What are the priorities and what is being left behind? What tools and methods do we need to successfully weather these disruptive changes?

Early bird registration closes September 8

Event Details


October 4, 2023 – October 5, 2023

우리는 학문적 우수성의 확립과지식의 보급 및 증진의 사명을 담당하는 글로벌 출판인 공동체로서의 본질적인 역할을 추구하고자 한다.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Korean