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AAUP Launches “Fine Print*”

Online Gallery Showcases the Exemplary Work of University Presses

The Association of American University Presses today launched Fine Print * (*and digital!), an online showcase of books, journals, digital collections, and reference works that exemplify the work of association members.

In celebration of University Press Week (November 11-17, 2012) and marking the 75th anniversary of AAUP, the association asked each member publisher to select one title from its history of publishing that the press felt illustrated the value of their daily contributions to an informed society. The resulting gallery, Fine Print*, is a browser’s delight including award-winning titles, discipline-defining journals, innovative digital collections, regional masterpieces, and several of the world’s most reliable reference works.

Why the asterisk? The fine print is always important! AAUP members are committed to disseminating scholarship in formats that suit the content, the creators, and the readership. Every AAUP member is pursuing digital publication strategies, as can be seen in many of the selected Fine Print* titles. Our members’ well-deserved reputation for excellence in design and production standards remains evident in both their print and digital publications.

In browsing the full gallery, viewers and readers will view more than 100 examples of why we are celebrating the members of AAUP this week, including:

• The leading scholarly journal Civil War History from Kent State University Press;

• The 36-Hour Day, the best-selling definitive guide for caretakers of people suffering from dementia, from Johns Hopkins University Press;

• A beautiful and comprehensive reference guide, The Natural History of Canadian Mammals, from the University of Toronto Press;

• The landmark digital American Founding Era Collection from the University of Virginia Press;

• And many more!

AAUP, with 133 members across the globe publishing 12,000 titles each year, is dedicated to the support of creative and effective scholarly communications through the cooperative programs and information resources provided to its member publishers. Check out more online features and news of University Press Week 2012 at

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Promuoviamo il ruolo fondamentale di una comunità globale di editori la cui missione è di garantire l’eccellenza scientifica e di coltivare il sapere.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Italian