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AAUP Publishes Books for Understanding: The 99% and Economic Rights

Bibliography Outlines Scholarship on the Imbalances in Today’s Economy

NEW YORK, NY—The Occupy movement has spread from Wall Street across the world since last fall, and is increasingly present at corporate centers and college campuses nationwide. May Day, known globally as International Workers’ Day, will mark a planned renewal to the protests. The underlying theme of “the 99%” demands examination and understanding, which can be found within the highly relevant scholarly works from university presses.

The latest Books for Understanding bibliographic resource from the Association of American University Presses (AAUP) provides a guide to the economic injustices faced by most Americans today. These insightful works of history, theory, and analysis illuminate the issues at the heart of the protests, for scholars and laymen alike.

The bibliography lists nearly 100 relevant titles from 20 university presses in the United States and Canada. These include such works as:

• Class War? What Americans Really Think about Economic Inequality by Benjamin I. Page and Lawrence R. Jacobs (University of Chicago Press, 2009)

• (Not) Keeping Up with Our Parents: The Decline of the Professional Middle Class by Nan Mooney (Beacon Press, 2008)

• Why Don’t American Cities Burn? by Michael B. Katz (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011)

Books for Understanding is a free public service of AAUP to help librarians, journalists, educators, and interested readers find the best books on current events. The program highlights one of the highest values of university presses: to publish top research and scholarship in all fields regardless of immediate commercial potential. Often the most complete and illuminating background research and knowledge for a breaking news story is only available in scholarly books from presses committed to the public interest.

The Association of American University Presses is one of the world’s largest organizations of nonprofit scholarly publishers. AAUP is dedicated to the support of creative and effective scholarly communications. Through its programs and information resources, AAUP helps its members fulfill their common commitments to scholarship, the academy, and society. Visit the AAUP Web site,, to learn more about the association and its members.

Media Inquiries:
Regan Colestock
212-989-1010 x24

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