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AAUP Statement on the University of Missouri Press – Update

The Association of American University Presses is pleased to read of the University of Missouri’s decision to keep the University of Missouri Press open and to build on the Press’s existing strengths and long history of publishing excellence. The advice, assistance, and resources of the Association are available to Press staff and the proposed advisory board as they work to regain the Press’s footing and develop a solid foundation in the scholarly life of the Columbia campus.

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Peb tau nce qib siab rau lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv zej zog thoob ntiaj teb los ntawm cov tswv luam ntaub ntawv lub zeem muag los mus tsim kho kev kawm ntawv kom zoo thiab saib xyuas kev txawj ntse.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Hmong