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AUPresses Supports Anti-Censorship Declaration

As a global organization of mission-driven publishers dedicated to the cultivation of knowledge, the Association of University Presses (AUPresses) has signed the Declaration To Defend Research Against US Government Censorship.

AUPresses joins with individual and institutional members of the scholarly communications community to assert that researchers must be freely able to conduct, collaborate on, share, review, and discuss their research.

We agree that the restrictions being proposed and enacted in the United States fundamentally compromise US research and researchers and, therefore, will also compromise the knowledge they are able to produce. The consequences and risks—both short- and long-term—are dangerous, not just for the US but for the world. 

We have shared this declaration—authored by scholarly communications thought leaders Lisa Schiff, Alice Meadows, Catherine Mitchell, Sara Rouhi, and Peter Suber—and encourage concerned citizens, researchers, policy-makers, scholarly societies, libraries, higher education and research institutions, publishers, and funders to sign and support it.

Also of interest: “Declaration To #DefendResearch Against US Government Censorship,” Alice Meadows, The Scholarly Kitchen, February 19, 2025.

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Vi stödjer ett globalt nätverk av förläggare vars syfte är att säkerställa akademisk kompetens och främja kunskap.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Swedish