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Week-in-Residence Grantees Announced

The Whiting Week-in-Residence grantees have been chosen for 2011. Congratulations to the following:

  • Walter Biggins, Acquisitions Editor, University Press of Mississippi
  • Jonathan Haupt, Assistant Director, University of South Carolina Press
  • Karen Laun, Senior Production Editor, Cornell University Press
  • Rachael Levay, Sales and Publicity Manager, University of Washington Press

The annual week-in-residence program allows university press staff to spend up to one week in professional exchange at another member press, and is designed to give the opportunity to refine or learn new skills from colleagues who are expert in a particular area. Thanks to our sponsor, the Mrs. Giles F. Whiting Foundation, for their continued support.

Whiting Week-in-Residence Program

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— AUPresses Mission Statement in Chinese (Simplified)