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Program Committee

Greg Britton, Getty Publications, Chair
Gita Manaktala, MIT Press
Paul Murphy, RAND
Leila Salisbury, University Press of Mississippi
Linda Secondari, Oxford University Press

Program: “Towards a Sustainable Future”

Shared presentations and related materials are linked at sessions.

Thursday | Friday | Saturday

Thursday, June 17

Pre-Meeting Workshops

E-Book Publishing Strategies
This workshop aims to provide more than just an accessible overview of the e-publishing arena. Presenters will outline processes in action at their press, as well as speculate on possibilities for future evolution. From manuscript to customer access, we will address issues at all stages of the book’s life-cycle, even tackling the thorny issues of digital business models. The workshop will close with a discussion of new publishing models — both commercial and nonprofit — where content acquisition takes into account the various distribution modes.
Organizer: Alan Harvey, Deputy Director and Editor-in-Chief, Stanford University Press
Glossary of Ebook and XML Terms [PDF]

Not Your Father’s Marketing
In this workshop, we’ll explore how university presses have (and should) adapt their current marketing strategies to keep up with the changing atmosphere and to better reach our readers—wherever they may be.
Organizer: Colleen Lanick, Publicity Manager, MIT Press

9:00 am-4:00 pm Financial Officers Meeting 
11:00 am-6:00 pm Registration
1:00-4:00 pm AAUP Committee Fair
3:00-5:30 Field Trip

University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library
Participants will have a chance to view Library’s Rare Book Collection and take a tour of the Book Arts Studio. The Library will also be displaying the American Institute of Graphic Artists 50 Books/50 Covers exhibition. At the conclusion of the tour, participants will have the opportunity to view a demo of the Library’s newly installed Espresso Book Machine.

All members are welcome to attend.

5:00-6:00 pm Newcomers’ Reception
6:00-7:00 pm Opening Reception

Sponsored by Thomson-Shore, Inc.

7:00-9:00 pm Opening Banquet

Presentation of the AAUP Constituency Award to Will Powers

What Are Books Good For?
Banquet speaker: William Germano, Dean and Professor of English Literature, The Cooper Union
William Germano is professor of English literature and dean of the faculty of humanities and social sciences at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. For almost thirty years he worked in scholarly publishing, first at Columbia University Press, where he was editor-in-chief, and then at Routledge,where he was vice-president and publishing director. He has written two books on scholarly publishing, Getting It Published and From Dissertation to Book, both published by the University of Chicago Press, and is working on a book about opera and knowledge for the University of Illinois Press. He has lectured and led seminars on scholarly writing and publishing in the US and Canada, Europe, and New Zealand.
Read “What Are Books Good For?” in the Chronicle Review, 9/26/10

9:00 pm – Midnight Dessert Reception

Sponsored by The Chronicle of Higher Education

Friday, June 18

7:30-8:45 am Breakfast
9:00-10:15 am Plenary 1

Sustainability and the Future of Scholarly Communication
The first lesson of the recent economic transformation might be that university presses must adapt in order to sustain themselves into the future. But reengineering publishing programs without a clear vision can be perilous. Guest speakers will consider how managing this large culture shifts from old models to new ones can present unexpected opportunities.
Chair: Gita Manaktala, Editorial Director, MIT Press
Panelists: Tim Barton, President, Oxford University Press-USA; Joseph J. Esposito, CEO, GiantChair
 Joseph J. Esposito, “Stage Five Publishing,” Presentation Slides; Read “Stage Five Book Publishing: A Guide for University Presses” (Scholarly Kitchen, 12/10/13)

10:15-10:45 am Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
10:45 am-12:00 pm Concurrent Sessions 

Innovation and the Future of E-Books
In a broadly-focused conversation, this session will consider innovations with e-books, shifts in business models and modes of delivery, their potential, features, how we may integrate other new content (film clips, web links, etc.). Panelists will consider how they think about the process of creating, updating, and sustaining e-books—and how the e-book’s future and ours may be inextricably linked.
Moderator: Darrin Pratt, Director, University Press of Colorado
Panelists: Garrett Kiely, Director, University of Chicago Press; Alex Holzman, Director, Temple University Press; Jake Furbush, Digital Publishing Manager, MIT Press; Laura Cerruti, Director of Digital Content Development, University of California Press

In 1984, Stewart Brand remarked, “On the one hand information wants to be expensive, because it’s so valuable. The right information in the right place just changes your life. On the other hand, information wants to be free, because the cost of getting it out is getting lower and lower all the time. So you have these two fighting against each other.” And the tension continues a quarter of a century later. Free is a very special price as we have learned from best-selling books by behavioral economists and from our own experience. This interactive session will explore the concept of free from a general consumer choice perspective and more specifically through a case study of one publisher that uses free content as part of its business model. Come to this free session about how “free” is making an impact on publishing.
Speakers: Barbara Kline Pope, Executive Director, The National Academies Press
[Presentation]; Rebecca Hamilton, Associate Professor of Marketing, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland [Presentation]

Growing Sales in Tough Times
From shrinking library budgets to consolidation of key accounts to the loss of retail space, the last year has been a struggle for many university presses. What tangible steps we should consider to minimize sales short falls? How do we improve our profitability as we look for new opportunities to increase demand for our books? This panel will consider how a university press can respond to changing markets by taking practical steps to improve sales from re–evaluating budgeting processes to changing production workflow to refocusing editorial programs. With more sales data available than ever before, how can we use information on emerging sales trends, pricing issues, and market shifts in the scholarly and university press field to improve our own sales? Even for presses weathering this unprecedented storm, this panel offers tangible suggestions for publishers of all sizes to further strengthen our bottom lines.
Chair: Melissanne Scheld: Associate Director Sales & Marketing, Cambridge
Panelists: Fred Nachbaur, Director, Fordham; Lenny Allen, Director of Wholesaler & Pharmaceutical Sales, Oxford; Dan Kervick, Publisher Alley Reporting & Training Manager, Baker & Taylor.

[Session Presentation]

Friend Me: Social Networks as a Marketing Tool
Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have become an incredibly powerful source for virtually all of our news and entertainment needs. A recent news story confirmed that Facebook is the second most popular site on the internet—only Google has more daily downloads. If our readers are getting information from social networking sites, it only makes sense that university presses participate in the conversation. How can university presses harness these incredibly popular and influential sites to reach our readers? How can we develop engaged communities of interested readers? This panel will demystify and navigate the social networking phenomenon to help us get the most bang for our tweet.
Chair: Colleen Lanick, Publicity Manager, MIT Press
Panelists: Laura Baich, Electronic Marketing Manager, Indiana University Press; Jennifer Howard, Senior Writer, 
The Chronicle of Higher Education; Carolyn Kellogg, Los Angeles Times

The 2010 AAUP Book, Jacket, and Journal Show: Jackets and Covers
Attempting the impossible, experts will judge books (and journals) by their covers.
Judges: Charles Brock, Creative Director, The Design Works Group; Audrey Meyer, Art Director (ret.), University of Washington Press

12:00-1:30 pm Lunch

Speaker: Kathleen Keane, AAUP President and Director, Johns Hopkins University Press
Read Keane’s valedictory address >

1:45-3:00 pm Plenary 2

The Future of the Past: Libraries and Scholarship in the Digital Future
University presses are inextricably linked (formally and informally) to their libraries and to their faculty. As we work toward a shared future of sustainability, where are libraries headed? What are the values and incentives that motivate academics? Panelists will take up these issues and offer a glimpse of what these relationships might look like in the near future.
Chair: Garrett Kiely, Director, University of Chicago Press
Panelists: Joyce Ogburn, University Librarian, University of Utah; Diane Harley, Director, Higher Education in the Digital Age Project, University of California Berkeley
Diane Harley, “Assessing the Future Landscape of Scholarly Communication: Faculty Values and Needs in Twelve Disciplines”

3:00-3:30 pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall
3:30-4:45 pm Concurrent Sessions

Rethinking Library Acquisition: Demand-Driven Purchasing for Scholarly Books 
Librarians must reconsider how they collect monographs. Traditionally, academic libraries purchase books to support their curricular and research needs, without much consideration of use. Even though 40% or more of books in most academic libraries never get used, this model makes sense in a world in which books go out of print, shelf space is available, and collection budgets are stable. But the world has changed: as publishers shift to an electronic model, books will not go out of print, libraries are under pressure to convert shelf space to study space; and libraries have fewer funds to purchase books annually. This panel will discuss approaches to demand-driven acquisition of monographs at two institutions: the University of Arizona and the University of Denver. While discussing plans being developed at these libraries, we will also look at implications for libraries in general, scholarly publishing, book vendors and academia.
Moderator: Becky Clark, Marketing Director, Johns Hopkins University Press
Panelists: Matt Nauman, Director of Publisher Relations, Blackwell; Michael Levine-Clark, Collections Librarian, University of Denver; Stephen Bosch, Materials Budget, Procurement, and Licensing Librarian, University of Arizona Library; Kim Anderson, Senior Collection Development Manager and Bibliographer, YBP Library Services

The Business Case for XML, or Is PDF Dead?
We have all heard inspiring meditations on the glories of XML, but is this technology more than just a brilliant, geeky concept? What’s wrong with good old PDF? Implementing an XML workflow is disruptive, so what’s the payoff? This panel will bring together a group representing different stages of the publishing process, including IT, business, and marketing, to discuss if and how XML may help a press flourish in the current and future digital landscape.
Chair: Mark Saunders, Assistant Director, University of Virginia Press
Panelists: Emily Arkin, Editor for Digital Publication Development, Harvard University Press [Presentation]; Matt Turner, Principal Consultant, Mark Logic Corporation; Rebecca Schrader, Assistant Director and Director of Finance and Operations, MIT Press

Maximum Export Impact: Finding Opportunities in International Sales
Attracting international students and researchers is essential to most universities’ missions. Some have even gone as far as setting up satellite institutions overseas. But where do university presses fit on the international stage? Despite the economic downturn, book sales in some international markets have actually increased over the past year. What markets are there for our publications (in whatever format) and how can we best reach these international audiences? In this seminar-style discussion, participants will present their ideas and brainstorm about the best ways to build sales abroad while avoiding the pitfalls of doing business internationally.
Chair: Saleem Dhamee, International Sales Manager, University of Chicago Press
Panelists: Sheila Bounford, Head of Commercial Development, NBN International; Martin Voigt, Business Director, Amsterdam University Press; Mark Gresham, Director of United Publishers Services, Japan

The University Press as Digital Publisher
How does a press “go digital”? This session will uncover strategies presses are planning and implementing to publish e-books and e-journals and how they are moving forward with digital scholarship that builds their lists and strengths. Also discussed will be how to organize and create online communities and partnerships focusing on specific topics/subject areas where visitors can research, discuss, share, and add content.
Chair: Alicia Vonderharr, Journals Production Editor, Wayne State University Press
Panelists: Linda Treffinger, Publication Manager, HighWire Press [Presentation]; Kathy Killoh, Journals and Digital Coordinator, Athabasca University Press [Presentation]; Karen Hill, Assistant Director and Digital Manager, University of Michigan Press [Handout]

Content and Community: Social Networking Around Content
University presses are evolving rapidly from mere print-based book developer-sellers into web-based “communities.” This session will explore the nature of this evolution. What is possible with social networking and scholarly content? Who is innovating with building communities and in what ways? Who at the press will take on the role of community builder and facilitator? What skills are needed for that role? How does the vision of a UP community differ from a university’s unmanned online repository? How can social networking around content further our goal of sustainability?
Moderator: Colleen Lanick, Publicity Manager, MIT Press
Panelists: Doug Sery, Senior Acquisitions Editor, MIT Press; Bob Stein, Director, Institute for the Future of the Book; Catherine Tice, Associate Publisher, The New York Review of Books; Dan Lee, Content Chief, Firebrand Technologies

5:00-6:15 pm Concurrent Sessions

Academic Library Buying Patterns: Shifting Budgets and More eResources 
This panel will explore how academic libraries are reacting to budget cuts in terms of collection development. Three librarians representing libraries of different sizes and orientations and the CIC and UALC consortia will address these issues and more and respond to your questions. Are cancellations of journals or databases planned? What are the criteria? Are approval plans being suspended? Does this make Patron Driven Selection of books more attractive? How do ebooks fit into the budget? Is there increased uptake of consortium support, or is consortium support being reduced?
Chair: October Ivins, Ivins eContent Solutions
Panelists: Kim Armstrong, Assistant Director, Center for Library Initiatives, Committee on Institutional Cooperation [Presentation]; Rick Anderson, Assoc. Dir. for Scholarly Resources & Collections, Marriott Library, Univ. of Utah [Presentation]; Richard W. Clement, Dean of Libraries, Utah State University [Presentation]

What Makes a Good Book?
Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read. But what makes a book our best friend? How do we define a book that is a success? Is it the book that expands the boundaries of human knowledge with bleeding edge insights; insights so bleeding edge that only 200 people can appreciate them? Is it the book that sells 50,000 copies, lines the coffers of the press for decades, but has little role in intellectual debates? Is it the book which best extends its press’s scholarly brand in the marketplace of ideas? Or is it the little book that could? In this point-counterpoint debate, we will, at long last, answer this question: What makes a good book?
Chair: Mark Heineke, Promotions Director, University of Chicago Press
Panelists: Holly Carver, Director, University of Iowa Press; Bill Germano, Dean and Professor of English Literature, The Cooper Union; Doug Armato, Director, University of Minnesota Press

Making the Ask: Building a Case, Cultivating Donors, and Getting to Yes in Fundraising
Fundraising has been an important and necessary strategy for strengthening the publishing programs and securing future operations at many university presses, particularly over the past two decades. Yet most press staff engaged in fundraising have little training in development work. What tools of the trade can we acquire from professional and veteran fundraisers at presses with successful fundraising programs? In this practical, how-to session, panelists will share success stories about finding and connecting with prospective donors and will demystify the delicate business of asking for money through role-play.
Chair: Nicole Mitchell, Director, University of Georgia Press
Panelists: Janelle Cavanagh, Director of Development, University of California Press; Pat Soden, Director, University of Washington Press

AAUP Operating Statistics 2010
In this session, a lively feature at the yearly CFO meeting, Kim Schmelzinger will present highlights from the AAUP annual operating statistics survey. Discussion, questions, and suggestions for the survey are welcome.
Presenter: Kimberly Maselli Schmelzinger, AAUP Consultant

Hyperabundance: The Future’s So Bright, I’ve Gotta Wear Shades
Ever think you just “can’t keep up” with the latest? The latest in publishing, the latest in technology, the latest in almost anything? You’re not alone! Forget information abundance: the world is entering a new paradigm of information hyperabundance, and it has great and grave consequences for publishing. In this participatory workshop, join your colleagues for a round of community–driven brainstorming to explore what it may mean and what solutions might fit our own press situations. The results and recommendations will be shared out to the membership through university press online communities.
Chair: Michael Jensen, Director of Strategic Web Communications, National Academies Press
[Watch session]

The 2010 AAUP Book, Jacket, and Journal Show: Interiors
A peek under the covers of this year’s award-winning books and journals.
Judges: Rich Hendel, Freelance Designer; Michael Carabetta, Creative Director, Chronicle Books

7:00-8:30 pm Reception at The Utah Museum of Fine Arts

Sponsored by the New York Review of Books

Saturday, June 19

7:30-8:45 am Breakfast 

Small Press Directors Group Breakfast 
The dozens of presses in Group 1 of the AAUP — those with sales up to $1.5 million — face a unique set of challenges in the scholarly publishing landscape. This breakfast is an opportunity for those directors to meet informally with incoming president Richard Brown and other board members to discuss how to best meet those challenges in the years ahead. How can the AAUP board and central office serve Group 1 presses more effectively? How can Group 1 presses better communicate and collaborate on issues of mutual interest? Participants are encouraged to bring constructive ideas to the (breakfast) table.
Host: Richard Brown, AAUP President-elect / Director, Georgetown University Press

9:00-10:15 am Plenary 3

Economic Models for Scholarly Publishing
In 2009, the AAUP Board commissioned a Task Force on Economic Models for Scholarly Publishing to examine the current state of scholarly publishing with a particular focus on 1) universities’ needs and the roles that university presses can play in meeting those needs; and 2) potential new business models. In this session, Task Force members will summarize their findings and invite comments and suggestions from the audience. (A draft report will be circulated prior to the Annual Meeting.)
Chair: Lynne Withey, Director, University of California Press
Task Force Members: Ellen Faran, Director, MIT Press; Michael Jensen, Director of Strategic Web Communications, National Academies Press; Garrett Kiely, Director, University of Chicago Press; Will Underwood, Director, Kent State University Press; Bruce Wilcox, Director, University of Massachusetts Press

10:15-10:45 am Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
10:45 am-12:00 pm Concurrent Sessions

The New Title Budget: P&Ls for PODs, PTOs, & e-books
In a round-table discussion format, the panelists will talk about how their presses are thinking about and re-engineering title P&L’s, acquisitions strategies, and accounting for the costs associated with the new publishing models into which we’re transitioning. Topics will include born-digital, short-run digital printing, print-to-backorder, print-on-demand, and e-books.
Chair: Robbie Dircks, Associate Director & CFO, University of North Carolina Press
Panelists: Doug Armato, Director, University of Minnesota Press; Jennifer Crewe, Associate Director & Editorial Director, Columbia University Press; Tim Doyle, Chief Financial Officer, Harvard University Press; Anna Weidman, Assistant Director & CFO, University of California Press

Acquisitions and Authors in a Digital Environment
Digital environments demand new relationships with our authors, our home institutions, and increased openness to different models of what we think of as publishing and co-publishing. A key facet is the increasing importance of building institutional relationships both within and without our home universities. How are editors and presses to negotiate these new relationships, and what are our authors initiating while we puzzle it out? What are the practical, institutional, intellectual and financial implications? We’ll hear about lessons learned from efforts and projects under way, what is and is not working, what’s promising and what looks like a dead end, from the people who are already knee deep in it.
Chair: Eric Zinner, Editor-in-Chief, New York University Press
Participant: Shana Kimball, Co-Director, Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Libraries; Monica McCormick, Program Officer for Digital Scholarly Publishing, New York University Press; Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Associate Professor and Chair of Media Studies, Pomona College and founding co-editor of MediaCommons

Assessing the Market for E-books
The market for e-books is exploding, with triple digit growth in 2009—an otherwise flat year for book sales. But the market for scholarly e-books remains tentative as providers, formats, and platforms vie for market share. Industry and marketing experts share strategies and statistics to help us understand the needs of this emerging market.
Chair: Erich van Rijn, Director of Publishing Operations, University of California Press
Panelist: Angela Bole, Associate Executive Director, Book Industry Study Group, Michael Zeoli, Director, Global Consortia & eContent Sales Strategy, Yankee Book Peddler; Mark Nelson, Digital Content Strategist, National Association of College Stores

XML for the Rest of Us
Faced with reinventing our workflows from the ground up, how does a small press make the most of this powerful new technology? In this practical workshop designed for those unsure of how to move forward, participants will offer advice on where to start and where to turn for help. Hear from two UPs and a public-sector agency who have begun their own XML workflow implementations. The added bonus is a corporate partner who provides a tool for small- to moderately-sized publishers to help them implement an XML workflow.
Chair: Jennifer Flint, Digital Production Manager, MIT Press
Panelists: Karen Hill, Assistant Director / Digital Manager, University of Michigan Press [Presentation]; Adam Hartz, Production Coordinator, Duke University Press [Presentation]; Joe Wicentowski, State Department, Office of the Historian [Presentation]; Bruce Rosenblum, CEO, Inera, Inc. [Presentation]

The Greening of University Presses
It’s not easy being green? Think again. There are many things a press can do to become “leaner and greener.” Michael Jensen will begin this workshop with an overview of challenges facing presses on both the “eco” and “economic” fronts, and then facilitate a round of community-driven brainstorming to reach solutions tailor-made to our own press situations. The results and recommendations will be shared out to the membership through university-press online communities.
Chair: Michael Jensen, Director of Strategic Web Communications, National Academies Press

New Efficiencies in Book and Journal Production
This panel will lead a group brainstorming discussion of cost savings and problem-solving ideas that work, including publisher-to-vendor digital text and art file transactions, soft proofing, and archiving, while maintaining quality in the books we publish.
Chair: John Cronin, Design and Production Manager, Johns Hopkins University Press
Panelists: Neil Litt, Director of Editing, Design, and Production, Princeton University Press; Suzanne Harris, Composition Manager, Integrated Composition Systems (ICS); Susan Baker, Director, Editorial Services, Westchester Book Group

12:00-1:30 pm Lunch

Speaker: Richard Brown, Incoming AAUP President & Director, Georgetown University Press
Read Richard Brown’s Inaugural Address

1:45-3:00 pm Plenary 4

Digital Humanities is Not an Oxymoron
Digital literacy has joined critical thinking and information literacy as essential to scholarship in the sciences and social sciences, but traditional humanities fields have been slower to embrace this need. The emerging field of the digital humanities, however, is more than just the next big thing in academic circles. What it offers for scholars is game-changing. University presses may be particularly well suited to be strong partners in this transformation. This conversation will explore the margins of that nascent partnership.
Chair: Gregory Britton, Publisher, Getty Publications
Panelists: Robert B. Townsend, Assistant Director, Research and Publications, American Historical Association; Alexander C. Halavais, Associate Professor of Interactive Communications, Quinnipiac University [Draft Talk]

3:00-3:30 pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall
3:30-4:45 pm Concurrent Sessions

Book to E-book: What You Should Know about Electronic Rights
E-books are the fastest growing area of the industry, compelling most presses to convert backlist and publish new titles in electronic format. But do your author contracts give you permission to publish in these new formats? Have you established a viable royalty structure for electronic editions? Do you have rights to publish interior photos in e-book editions? How will you price those e-books? Panelists will discuss the most pressing issues facing acquiring editors, rights managers, and business managers as our publications go digital.
Chair: Vicky Wells, Director of Contracts and Subsidiary Rights, University of North Carolina Press [Presentation]
Panelists: Laura Bost, Rights and Permissions Manager, University of Texas Press [Slides; Notes; “Team Google”]; Krista Coulson, Electronic Publishing Manager, University of Wisconsin Press [Presentation]

Staffing for Digital Initiatives: Transition to Sustainable Models
For the small and mid sized press the challenges of fewer staff and less flexible budgets play a significant role in how they can move forward with digital publishing initiatives. What staffing models work for achieving a press’s digital publishing business goals? Some presses have electronic publishing managers, others have teams, and still others rely on a combination of staff and interns. What have presses accomplished with their staffing models? Will current staffing solutions be sufficient to meet future goals? There is no right answer to staffing for digital publishing; this discussion is intended to identify some best practices.
Chair: Susan Doerr, Operations Manager, University of Minnesota Press
Panelists: Steve Yates, Marketing Director, University Press of Mississippi; Marjorie Fowler, Electronic Projects Coordinator, University of North Carolina Press

Introducing The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition
In fall 2010, the University of Chicago Press will publish the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Stylesimultaneously in print and online. This panel of Press staff members will discuss the content changes made for the new edition, many of which reflect the evolving requirements and processes of electronic publishing. It will also address issues involved in the simultaneous launch, including the use of an XML-based workflow and the need to market both print and electronic versions.
Panelists: David Morrow, Senior Editor, University of Chicago Press; Anita Samen, Managing Editor, University of Chicago Press ; Carol Kasper, Marketing Director, University of Chicago Press

Thinking Outside the Book: New Media For Beginners
Given new innovations in online new media technology, scholarly video created by university presses does not have to be lame, or take a lot of time, or cost a lot. This session proposes to show you how to transform your web presence with interesting, low-cost scholarly video.
Chair: Paul Murphy, Associate Director of Publications, The RAND Corporation
Panelist: Amanda E. Sharp, Publicity and Marketing Assistant, Duke University Press
[Session Presentation]

Acquisitions v. Marketing: Why Can’t We Be Friends?
Many publishers consider conflicts between marketing and acquisitions departments to be inevitable, or even healthy. Are these antagonisms the unavoidable result of departmental differences in interests, cultures, and perspective? Are the pressures that produce them still current or are they historical leftovers from a bookstore and review-centered era with bigger advances and more at stake? Are they signs of bad management or of healthy and open organizations? If the tensions are not productive, how can presses develop and support more complementary and cooperative approaches? How involved should marketing be in acquisitions decisions and vice versa? How do we see this changing in an increasingly electronic future? These questions and others will be addressed by panelists representing both acquisitions and marketing—including some who have worked in both capacities.
Chair: Ken Wissoker, Editorial Director, Duke University Press
Panelists: Gita Manaktala, Editorial Director, MIT Press; Monica McCormick, Program Officer for Digital Scholarly Publishing, NYU Press; Leila Salisbury, Director, University Press of Mississippi [Presentation]; Lisa Bayer, Marketing Director, University of Illinois Press

Design in the E-book Era
What are we designing? Book jackets or thumbnails on Amazon? Printed pages or E-book screens? Can an arresting jacket image, a distinctive type treatment, or a strong visual concept be modified to take advantage of new media? Can this be done without compromising the printed piece? Is there a place for the print designer in the e-book world? At this roundtable-style session, we will discuss how designers and art directors can navigate the parallel and sometimes opposing requirements of the print and digital arenas.
Chair: Maria Lindenfeldar, Art Director, Princeton University Press
Panelists: Linda Secondari, Creative Director, Oxford University Press; Michael Carabetta, Creative Director, Chronicle Books

5:00-6:15 pm Concurrent Sessions

Managing Editors, EDP Departments, and New Efficiencies
How do we use new technology to make the most of editorial resources (both freelance and in-house) and bring Editorial, Design, and Production functions into closer coordination.
Chair: Marilyn Campbell, Pre-Press Director, Rutgers University Press
Panelists: Charles Ault, Director of Production and Electronic Publishing, Temple University Press [Presentation]; Jennifer Reichlin, Editorial, Design, and Production Manager, University of Illinois Press; Lynn Werts, Editorial, Design, and Production Manager, University Press of Florida

New Emerging Business Models in Journal Publishing
Session includes information about new revenue streams, including the repackaging of content, and changing subscription models that may integrate open access materials with video and sound files. Strategies to combine free with fee—where’s the tipping point between offering content in the hopes of increasing sales and giving too much away?
Chair: Nick Lindsay, Journals Manager, MIT
Panelists: Martin Voigt, Business Director, Amsterdam University Press [Presentation]; Mary Rose Muccie, Director, Current Journals Program, JSTOR; Rebecca Simon, Director, Journals and Digital Publishing Division, University of California Press

Partnering for Sustainability: Selling E-books to Libraries
With the help of a grant from the Mellon Foundation, a consortium of presses has developed a plan to enable presses of all sizes to sell e-book collections to libraries. Participants will explain the plan’s rationale and assumptions, including timing, pricing, scale, ingestion, and platforms. They will explain how this endeavor differs from other efforts, why it is likely to be sustainable, why it is structured to increase net revenue, why it will be attractive to libraries, how it is likely to affect print sales, and many other issues. This is an essential panel for university press directors and e-book specialists.
Chair: Marlie Wasserman Director, Rutgers University Press
Panelists: Alex Holzman, Director, Temple University Press; Eric Halpern, Director, University of Pennsylvania Press; Raym Crow, Senior Consultant, SPARC

Making the Flexible Book
Digitally produced books – in POD, e-book, iPad and SmartPhone applications – offer publishers the possibility of cost savings, increased distribution, and new ways to present and monetize content. But the range of reading options available can represent an exponential increase in complexity and cost for publishers who don’t have a plan to maximize efficiency and flexibility of their content. Making the Flexible Book will explore a wide range of practices for producing clean digital content. Panelists will discuss several approaches to production workflow with an eye to maximum efficiency and flexibility. They will explore practical and experimental perspectives, touching on digital conversion of backlist materials and current application files created just for print, “traditional” digital workflow using Word and InDesign, with an eye to downstream XML conversion, and custom solutions for publishing within a dedicated electronic and POD content delivery system.
Chair: Than Saffel, Production Coordinator and Designer, West Virginia University Press
Panelists: Don Leeper, CEO, Bookmobile; Tom Helleberg, Production Coordinator, NYU Press; Shana Kimball, Publications Manager and Interim Co-Director, University of Michigan Library, Scholarly Publishing Office; John Maxwell, Assistant Professor, Master of Publishing Program, Simon Fraser University

New Jobs for New Ways of Doing Business: Finding Your Next Staff or Your Next Job in Publishing
How are scholarly publishers addressing the training, recruiting, and promoting of their current and future staff in the ever-changing digital world of publishing? As university presses alter their workflows as they move more publishing functions to the digital realm, they are faced with examining current job duties and creating new positions within their organizations. A roundtable discussion with those who are training the next generation of publishers and librarians and those who are working at the intersection of those worlds will address the skills needed and the best ways to obtain that expertise.
Chair: Christine Szuter, Director, Arizona State University Scholarly Publishing Program
Panelists: Monica McCormick, Program Officer for Digital Scholarly Publishing, New York University Press; Penelope Kaiserlian, Director, The University of Virginia Press; Karen Hill, Assistant Director/Digital Manager, The University of Michigan Press; Peter Boticelli, Director, Digital Information Management Certificate program, University of Arizona

Mae AUPresses yn hyrwyddo rôl hanfodol cymuned ar draws y byd o gyhoeddwyr sydd â chenhadaeth i sicrhau rhagoriaeth academaidd a meithrin gwybodaeth.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Welsh