The Association and our members offer many opportunities to learn and share about books and other publications on topics of current interest. These opportunities have included:
AUPresses at featuring a number of booklists from summer reads to equity, justice, and inclusion reading recommendations.
Community Reads: In 2020 and 2021, the AUPresses Equity, Justice, and Inclusion Committee hosted several Community Read programs with a selected common read, extended nominated titles list, and events.
#ReadUP and University Press Week: Our annual celebration of all the amazing things UPs do features a gallery and reading list of works related to each year’s theme. This is where our #ReadUP tag originated! Check out the archive of theme galleries at the UP Week site, and use the tag on social media.
The Digital Digest: Occasionally, we round up information about member publishers’ resources relevant to current events at our Digital Digest blog, with examples such as Ukraine in 2022 and Charlottesville in 2017.
Books for Understanding: Now suspended, this public bibliographic resource compiled extensive reading lists on topics in the news for more than a decade after its initial development in the wake of September 11, 2001. Though lists have not been updated since 2014, the resources may still be browsed at