- Number of Association members: 164
- Number of members at founding in 1937: 21
- Number of US states and Canadian provinces home to a founding member press: 14 and 1, respectively
- Number of current members outside of North America: 24
- Number of countries home to at least one AUPresses member: 17
Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, Hungary, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Ukraine, the UK, and the US

- US states and territories represented by at least one AUPresses member: 45 plus the District of Columbia and Guam
- Number of Canadian provinces home to at least one AUPresses member: 6
- US state home to the most members: New York (15)
- City home to the most members: Washington, DC (10)
- Number of members supported by US universities and colleges: 104
- Number of members supported by public US universities: 58
- Titles published annually per member: 1 to 1,800
- Titles published annually by all members: approximately 12,500
- Journals published annually by all members: approximately 2,100
- Titles in print at member presses: approximately 355,000
Notable award winners published by member presses since 2000
- 42 Nobel Laureates in Economic Sciences: Daron Acemoglu, George A. Akerlof, Joshua Angrist, Robert J. Aumann, Abhijit Banerjee, Ben Bernanke, David Card, Angus Deaton, Peter A. Diamond, Robert F. Engle III, Claudia Goldin, Clive W.J. Granger, Lars Peter Hansen, Oliver Hart, James J. Heckman, Guido Imbens, Daniel Kahneman, Michael Kremer, Paul Krugman, Eric S. Maskin, Daniel L. McFadden, Paul R. Milgrom, Dale T. Mortensen, Roger B. Myerson, William D. Nordhaus, Elinor Ostrom, Edmund S. Phelps, Christopher A. Pissarides, Edward C. Prescott, James A. Robinson, Alvin E. Roth, Thomas J. Sargent, Thomas C. Schelling, Lloyd S. Shapley, Robert J. Shiller, Christopher A. Sims, Vernon L. Smith, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Richard H. Thaler, Jean Tirole, Oliver E. Williamson, and Robert B. Wilson
- 14 Nobel Laureates in Literature: J.M. Coetzee, Annie Ernaux, Gao Xingjian, Imre Kertész, Peter Handke, Kazuo Ishiguro, Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, Mo Yan, Patrick Modiano, Herta Müller, Orhan Pamuk, Olga Tokarczak, Tomas Tranströmer, and Mario Vargas Llosa
- 13 Nobel Laureates in Physics: Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, Serge Haroche, Klaus Hasselmann, Geoffrey Hinton, John Hopfield, Anthony J. Leggett, Syukuro Manabe, Giorgio Parisi, James Peebles, Roger Penrose, Kip S. Thorne, and Anton Zeilinger
- 6 National Book Award winners: Ned Blackhawk, Jeffrey C. Stewart (Nonfiction), David Ferry, Nikky Finney, Lena Khalaf Tuffaha, and Keith Waldrop (Poetry)
- 32 National Book Award finalists:
In Fiction: Bonnie Jo Campbell, Deesha Philyaw, Christine Schutt.
In Nonfiction: Lucas Bessire, Colin Calloway, David Hackett Fischer, Jan T. Gross, Alice Kaplan, Adrienne Mayor, Viet Thanh Nguyen, and Jerald Walker
In Poetry: Rae Armantrout (in 2009 and 2018), Desiree C. Bailey, Lyrae van Clief-Stefanon, Toi Derricotte, Brendan Galvin, Ross Gay, Reginald Gibbons, Peter Gizzi, Kathleen Graber, David Kirby, Leslie Harrison, Cynthia Huntington, Gail Mazur, Shane McCrae, Harryette Mullen, Matt Rasmussen, Evie Shockley, Bruce Smith (in 2000 and 2011), Brandon Som, Jean Valentine, Susan Wheeler
- 35 Bancroft Prize-winning books since 2000 have been published by member presses, authored by: Thomas G. Andrews, Mia Bay, Mary Sarah Bilder, David W. Blight, W. Jeffrey Bolster, James F. Brooks, Lisa Brooks, Tomiko Brown-Nagin, Erskine Clarke, Sara Dubow, Carolyn Woods Eisenberg, Alan Gallay, Linda Gordon, Steven Hahn, Pekka Hämäläinen, Waldo Heinrichs and Marc Gallicchio, Andy Horowitz, Anne F. Hyde, Margaret D. Jacobs, Ari Kelman, Alice Kessler-Harris, Jack Temple Kirby, Michael J. Klarman, Andrew Lipman, George M. Marsden, Michael O’Brien, Charles Postel, Joseph P. Reidy, Daniel T. Rodgers, Deborah A. Rosen, Nancy Tomes, Christopher Tomlins, Elliott West, Arne Westad, and Douglas L. Winiarski
Sources of Press Operating Budgets

Source: Schmelzinger, Kimberly. The Association of University Presses Annual Operating Statistics 2020 through 2023, March 2024.
Institutional homes
- 66% of Carnegie R1 institutions (97 of 146) host or support, through a system or consortia, a member press
- 77% of AAU member institutions—55 major research universities located in the US and Canada—host, or support through systems or consortia, a member press
- More than 90 APLU university members in the US and Canada host, or support through consortia, a member press, and a majority of APLU university system members in the US do as well
- More than 80 major research institutions in the US and Canada can boast both an ARL member library and an AUPresses member press
Most recent update: November 2024