Read about our mission, translated into numerous languages through the generosity of our members and their communities.
Equity and Inclusion
We strive to give voice to the breadth of human knowledge and experience.
We recognize, value, and encourage diversity among our community and partners as part of our ongoing commitment to equity, justice, inclusion, and belonging.
AUPresses Statement on Equity & Anti-Racism >
We conduct our work ethically and honestly, earning and sustaining the trust of our authors, our readers, and our institutions.
We establish best practices in peer review to ensure rigor and reliability in the scholarly record.
Intellectual Freedom
We promote the free exchange of ideas, the unfettered pursuit of scholarly inquiry, the emergence and evaluation of new theories, and the expansion of human knowledge.
We champion the freedom to think, research, publish, and read as pillars of an open and just society.
Facing Censorship: A Statement of Guiding Principles >
We invest resources mindfully in the development and dissemination of scholarship, respecting the fundamental labor of publishing and conscious of our responsibilities as global citizens.
We amplify authors’ voices, and work to advance and preserve an inclusive scholarly record.
Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals >