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Sustainable Development Goals

Color wheel around text reading "SDG Publishers Compact"

The Publishers Compact

AUPresses is a signatory to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Publishers Compact. The UN SDGs were adopted in 2015 by all Member States, “a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere.” Launched in 2020 in cooperation with the International Publishers Association, of which AUPresses is an associate member, the Publishers Compact aims to accelerate progress towards these goals through broad industry action.

Read more about the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our Work

Committing to the SDG Publishers Compact is in harmony with the core values of the Association, and our commitments to equity, anti-racism, and justice. Please visit this page frequently to learn how we are shaping our work to advance individual goals.

Blue square that reads "17 Partnerships for the Goals" in white with a design of 5 interlocking circles in white.

SDG 17: Partnerships For The Goals

As a global association of nonprofit scholarly publishers, AUPresses will leverage our member communication channels and collaboration hub, UP Commons, to share information about the Goals and the Publishers Compact, and provide a space for community networking and common action towards sustainable action.

Individuals interested in the SDGs who work at member presses, whether or not their press has signed the Publishers Compact, should join the Sustainable Development Goals Group on UP Commons.

Red square reading in white "5 Gender Equality" with an icon made up of the equals sign, and the male and female combined signs.

SDG 5: Gender Equality

Gender Pay Gap: University presses have historically had better gender representation within leadership ranks than many commercial publishing sectors: in 2021, approximately 45% of press directors were women. However, at the urging of a Gender Equity & Cultures of Respect Task Force, the Association commissioned a 2018 and 2020 gender parity assessment of compensation data across North American members, which indicated that a pay gap remains across employment levels. The Board of Directors has committed to continuing this data analysis, and encourages directors to use the data to advocate for staff members within larger academic institutions.

Pink square with text in white reading "10 Reduced Inequalities" with an icon of the equal sign surrounded by 4 triangle shapes.

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

In 2020, the Association issued a statement of commitment to Anti-Racism and Equity. The Equity, Justice, and Inclusion Committee holds this statement as the foundation of the work they pursue, which includes developing and sharing resources for approaching publishing work from an equity standpoint, piloting a data tool for university presses to track the demographics of their author and reviewer networks, and hosting activation sessions where press directors can share and learn from each other in order to embed equity work throughout the publishing process. The AUPresses Open Access Committee also is charged to keep both the Equity and Anti-Racism Statement and the AUPresses Statement on Open Access, which enjoins our community to “look to the diversity of voices who are able to take part in the scholarly conversation as well as to the diversity of readers reached by any dissemination platform,” central to their work on both a local and global scale.

Our Community

We are honored to join a growing list of publishing houses, associations, and service providers around the world who have committed to the SDG Publishers Compact. These include AUPresses members and Partners. We invite other organizational members of our community to read and sign the compact.

AUPresses Member Signatories

Bristol University Press

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Edinburgh University Press

Liverpool University Press

Marine Corps University Press

University of Ottawa Press

Oxford University Press

Qatar University Press

University of Toronto Press

University of the West Indies Press

AUPresses Partner Signatories

Books International

Ubiquity Press

Program Contact

Member presses, Partners, and other members of our larger community who wish to learn more about the AUPresses commitment to the SDGs, or to share information about your own efforts, please contact Research & Communications Director Brenna McLaughlin.

AUPresses officium necessarium promovet sodalitatis universalis librorum editorum quorum propositum custodire eminentiam studiis et germinare scientiam est.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Latin