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2023 AUPresses Traveling Book, Jacket, & Journal Show Reservation Deadline

It debuted on the AUPresses Design website this spring, and now the 2023 Book, Jacket, and Journal Show is coming to you!  

The 2023 AUPresses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show will hit the road, traveling to the presses requesting that the show visit their campus, from September 2023 to June 2024. (A gallery of selected entries can be found on the AUPresses Design website.)

Judging for the 2023 Book, Jacket, and Journal Show took place in January at the AUPresses New York City office. Out of 488 entries, jurors Jason Alejandro, Jayme Yen, Anna Jordan, and Amanda Weiss selected 83 entries for the show.

AUPresses aims to have five sets of the show for five regional routes (one full set per region). Request the show for a two-week period (Monday to following Friday) by filling out this form. Please review the form carefully and make sure that all pertinent information (number of catalogs, special dates to request, etc.) is filled out.

Don’t miss the opportunity to host this special display of exceptional design work at your press. Request the show today! 


Event Details


July 28, 2023 – July 28, 2023

מיר פֿירן אַריבער די עיקרדיקע ראָלע פֿון אַ גלאָבאַלער געמיינשאַפֿט פֿון פֿאַרלעגערס, װאָס זייער מיסיע איז פֿאַרזיכערן אַקאַדעמישע אויסגעצייכנקייט און קולטוװירן דאָס װיסן. 

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Yiddish