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Let’s Talk About…The Future of Peer Reviewers

Peer Review Week 2023 (September 25-28) takes up peer review and the future of publishing in order to “highlight the changing publishing landscape and the ongoing vital role of peer review in shaping scholarly communication.” In this hangout, we will explore the future of peer reviewers: who we ask, or might ask, to do peer review and how we do so.

As presses simultaneously seek to diversify, balance, and create more inclusive reviewer pools and to acquire more trade projects and/or non-traditional genres of scholarship, the profile of an “expert” shifts as does the role an acquisitions editor might play in the peer review process. What kinds of guidance should be offered to reviewers unfamiliar with norms and conventions of peer review? To scholars undertaking review for the first time? How do editors contextualize their decisions around reviewers for faculty boards? What questions will acquisitions editors ask themselves, each other, and readers in 2033?

Sponsored by the AUPresses Acquisitions Committee.

Moderators: Elisabeth S. Maselli, Senior Editor, University of Pennsylvania Press; and Hannah M. Brooks-Motl, Acquisitions Editor, Amherst College Press

Panelists: Carli Hansen, Acquisitions Editor for Anthropology and Sociology, University of Toronto Press; Peter Mickulas, Executive Editor, Rutgers University Press; John Morgenstern, Copyright and Scholarly Communications Librarian, Emory University; and Elizabeth Demers, Editorial Director, Michigan Publishing

Event Details


September 27, 2023 – September 27, 2023


12:00PM ET

Wij ondersteunen en stimuleren de essentiële rol van een wereldwijde gemeenschap van uitgevers wiens missie het is om academische excellentie te waarborgen en kennis te cultiveren.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Dutch