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AUPresses Webinar: Unpacking the Open Access Impact on Print Book Sales

In September, Ithaka S+R and the Association of University Presses published the report “Print Revenue and Open Access Monographs: A University Press Study,” as well as its affiliated data set. Join authors of the study during OA Week 2023 to discuss the findings in this report, and share ideas about how university presses can use the information to develop sustainable OA monograph publishing solutions. This research was funded by a Level I Digital Humanities Advancement Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).

Introductions: Peter Berkery, Executive Director, AUPresses

Moderator: Brenna McLaughlin, Research & Communications Director, AUPresses

Panelists: Laura Brown, Senior Advisor, Ithaka S+R; Roger Schonfeld, Vice President, Libraries, Scholarly Communication, and Museums, Ithaka S+R; John Sherer, Spangler Family Director, University of North Carolina Press; and Erich Van Rijn, Director, University of California Press

Event Details


October 24, 2023 – October 24, 2023


10am ET

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