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Let’s Talk About…Exhibits

Acquisition editors and marketeers will come together for a hangout covering exhibits and academic conferences.

Academic conferences are mission-critical events for both acquisitions and marketing. Many such meetings have changed substantially with Covid; many conferences were canceled or moved entirely online. In the last year, we have witnessed a return to most meetings, but attendance numbers are lower, and/or many are attending virtually, even attending in person but going to some or all sessions online.

Among the questions we’ll address are: Why exhibit? What are your exhibit goals? What has changed since COVID? Who attends from your press? How many exhibits does your press do? Is author and prospective author engagement returning at exhibits? Biggest challenges to your exhibits program? Enticements to buy? Selling in person? Consumer discount strategies that work/aren’t working? Are combined services worth it? How has your advertising and marketing collateral changed?

Moderator: Emily Hamilton, Assistant Director, University of Minnesota Press

Speakers: Suzanne E. Guiod, Director and Acquisitions Editor, Bucknell University Press; Carina Bolaños Lewen, Marketing Assistant, University of Minnesota Press; Emily Silk, Editor in History, Literary Studies, and Religion, Harvard University Press; and Jeremy Grainger, Sales and Marketing Director, Rutgers University Press

Event Details


March 2, 2023 – March 2, 2023


1pm EST

ഞങ്ങൾ ഉന്നതവിദ്യാഭ്യാസത്തിന്റേയും അറിവിന്റേയും പരിപോഷണം ഉറപ്പു വരുത്തുക എന്നത് ദൗത്യമായി ഏറ്റെടുത്ത പ്രസാധകരുടെ ഒരു ആഗോളസമൂഹത്തിന്റെ അവശ്യമായ പങ്കിനെ മുന്നോട്ട് വെക്കുന്നു.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Malayalam