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Let’s Talk About…How We Get Our Journal Content to Readers

This panel explores dissemination strategies, implementation, and analysis of scholarly journal content in an age where modes of access and usage are changing and developing. This is especially true during this time of the pandemic. Panelists will discuss a range of issues, including social media strategies, indexing, collaboration, and analysis to help give attendees a comprehensive view of their dissemination strategies for scholarly journals from start to finish.

Moderator: Jason Gosnell, Managing Editor, Marine Corps University Press

Panelists: Natalie Eidenier, Journals Manager, Michigan State University Press; Joyce Gettman, Journals Marketing and Fulfillment Manager, University of Nebraska Press; Anna Fletcher, Journals Marketing and Sales Specialist, Duke University Press; and Krishna Jayakar, Professor and Interim Head of the Department of Telecommunications, Penn State University, Visiting Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Co-Director, Institute for Information Policy, and Co-Editor, Journal of Information Policy

Event Details


April 15, 2021 – April 15, 2021


12pm ET

Vi fremmer den vigtige indsats hos en verdensomspændende sammenslutning af forlag, hvis væsentligste opgave er at sikre fremragende akademisk arbejde og styrke vidensformidling.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Danish