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Let’s Talk About…Virtual Exhibits

The COVID-19 pandemic transformed scholarly conferences as meetings and book exhibits shifted online. Virtual booths pushed marketers to develop new materials to reach scholars, changed conference sales, and impacted the discoverability of new titles. As the academic year nears its conclusion, this panel will discuss the view from here: a look at approaches and guiding philosophies that worked, as well as the new possibilities ahead: hybrid conferences, in-person marketing in the wake of a pandemic, and more.

Moderated by Anne Strother, Northwestern University Press

With panelists Julie Fergus, University of Washington Press; Kristin Kirkpatrick, University Press of Mississippi; Amy Lage, University of Nebrasksa Press; and Chase Strother, Indiana University Press

Event Details


May 20, 2021 – May 20, 2021


12pm ET

우리는 학문적 우수성의 확립과지식의 보급 및 증진의 사명을 담당하는 글로벌 출판인 공동체로서의 본질적인 역할을 추구하고자 한다.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Korean