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Let’s Talk About…Journal Publishing and the Humanities

This hangout panel will discuss the important role journal publishing plays in supporting scholarship in the humanities. The humanities have often been overlooked, defunded, and delegitimized due to many factors including anti-intellectualism, the desire to measure the return on investment of college degrees, and administrative cuts to programing. Two journal editors from the U.S. and a journals manager from the U.K. will discuss the importance that journal publishing has in supporting the humanities’ cause and growing scholarship, and the dissemination of that scholarship during these times. Part of this discussion will also focus on current events and financial challenges that have recently been discussed in the AUPresses online community.

Jessica Karp
, Production Assistant, Journals, Penn State University Press

Stacey Peebles, Marlene and David Grissom Professor of Humanities, Associate Professor of English, Centre College, Editor, Cormac McCarthy Review

Susan Rosenstreich, Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages, Dowling College, Editor, Mediterranean Studies

Clare Hooper, Head of Journals, Liverpool University Press

Event Details


December 3, 2020 – December 3, 2020


12-1pm ET

ننهض بالدور الأساسي للمجتمع العالمي من دور النشر التي تتمثّل مهمتها في ضمان التفوّق الأكاديمي وتنمية المعرفة.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Arabic