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AAUP Issues Statement on RWA, FRPAA, and America COMPETES Act

Full Statement

On February 14, 2012, the Association of American University Presses issued a statement regarding the current debate over public access to the results of federally funded research. Two opposing bills on this subject are before Congress, the Research Works Act and the Federal Research Public Access Act. AAUP does not support either bill, believing that either route would unnecessarily short circuit the process of creating appropriate and sustainable public access policy that is currently being undertaken by the Office of Science and Technology Policy, as mandated by current law, the America COMPETES Act. AAUP supports the COMPETES process, and is hopeful that a better and more informed policy will result that will help to best disseminate the fruits of publicly funded research. Read the full statement >

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Als internationale Gemeinschaft unterstuetzen wir die wichtige Rolle von Verlegern, dessen Aufgabe es ist akademische Exzellenz und Forschung zu foerdern.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in German