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AUPresses Submits Response to UK Consultation on Copyright and AI

The Association of University Presses submitted comments to the UK Consultation on Copyright and AI.

As a global community of mission-driven publishers, the Association asserts that current copyright laws protect the rights holder from the unauthorized use of their work and should be upheld. Legal changes should not be made that make it harder for individuals to protect their work yet easier for companies to obtain copyrighted content.

Read our comments here [PDF].

The Association has also joined the Creative Rights in AI Coalition which supports similar goals, articulated in its “Make It Fair” campaign today.

"Make It Fair" banner, black type on a light background, with the AI inside "Fair" highlighted in white.

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אנחנו מקדמים את התפקיד החיוני של קהילת המוציאים לאור העולמית, שהשליחות שלה היא לוודא מצויינות אקדמית וטיפוח ידע

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Hebrew