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Bob Oeste Honored with 2014 Constituency Award

Johns Hopkins Senior Programmer/Analyst Recognized for Service to Scholarly Publishing

photo courtesy Davida G. Breier

NEW ORLEANS–The Association of American University Presses (AAUP) is proud to announce that the recipient of the 2014 Constituency Award is Bob Oeste, Senior Programmer/Analyst at Johns Hopkins University Press. The Constituency Award was established in 1991 to honor staff at AAUP member presses who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and service for the university press community.

The 2014 award was presented at the June 22 opening banquet of the AAUP Annual Meeting in New Orleans. Oeste is widely known for his tradition of humorous, engaging presentations on vital metadata standards at the annual meetings. One nominating colleague writes that “One could hardly think of a subject more central to our existence these days or of one more arcane to those of us who grew up thinking about books and authors rather than content and metadata. His presentations are as known for their hilarity as clarity in explaining, and arguing for, bibliographic data standards.

Oeste is consistently generous with his technical knowledge, a problem-solver for AAUP’s constituent presses. He has long been a champion of metadata standards for the scholarly publishing community, both as an enthusiastic educator and as a developer of new software tools. Oeste also served as a member of AAUP’s Electronic Committee in 2002-03, chairing it for the following 2003-04 term.

Oeste has been a part of Johns Hopkins University Press for more than 25 years. Oeste managed the press’s book promotions for the first half of his tenure; ever since, he has devoted himself to creating and sharing database and software resources for the press and for client publishers.

Read more about the history of the Constituency Award and see its complete Honor Roll.

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