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Carol Kasper Receives 2015 Constituency Award

University of Chicago Press Marketing Director honored during the opening banquet of AAUP 2015

DENVER, CO—Carol Kasper, Marketing Director at the University of Chicago Press, was honored at the Association of American University Presses (AAUP) Annual Meeting in Denver for her outstanding service to scholarly publishing with the 2015 Constituency Award.

The Constituency Award, established in 1991, honors an individual of a member press who has demonstrated active leadership and service, not only in service to the Association but to the scholarly publishing community as a whole. In addition to a term on the Association’s Board of Directors from 2009 to 2011, Kasper has been a member of numerous committees and panels throughout the years, including the Marketing Committee, the Bias-Free Language Task Force, and Midwest Presses Meeting Committees.

“What makes Carol special and what uniquely qualifies her for this award are the people that Carol has mentored, supported, and trained in her time here in Chicago,” says Garrett Kiely, Director of University of Chicago Press and presenter of the award. “To put it in scholarly journal terms, her ‘impact factor’ has been very high!”

In addition to her formal service to the Association, and her leadership in the university press and international scholarly publishing worlds, Kasper has hosted numerous Whiting/AAUP Residents over the years. One of the nominating letters added: “Carol has dedicated all this time and energy to the AAUP in her typically quiet, unassuming fashion.” The Association is proud to recognize Kasper’s dedication, service, and impact with the 2015 Constituency Award.

“I feel so honored to be recognized by the AAUP,” said Kasper at the award presentation.  “It’s been a true pleasure working these past 30 years with everyone in the university press community.  I’ve learned so much, and I hope what I’ve been able to offer has been useful for them!”

Kasper holds a M.A. in American Literature from the University of Chicago, with a B.A. in both English and German from Case Western Reserve University. She has had a lengthy career with the University of Chicago Press, starting as a Marketing Copywriter in 1981. After 12 years as Direct Marketing Manager, she became the Marketing Director in 1995 and has enjoyed a storied 20-year tenure.

Recent winners of the AAUP Constituency Award also include Bob Oeste, Johns Hopkins University Press (2014); Rebecca Schrader, The MIT Press (2013); and Vicky Wells, University of North Carolina Press (2012).

Read more about the history of the Constituency Award and see its complete Honor Roll.

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