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Jennifer Crewe Receives 2006 Constituency Award

(New York, NY) — The 2006 Constituency Award was presented to Jennifer Crewe, Associate Director and Editorial Director, Columbia University Press, at the AAUP Annual Meeting Opening Banquet on June 15. The AAUP Constituency Award was established in 1991 to honor staff at member presses who have demonstrated active leadership and service to the Association and the university press community.

Crewe has served on the AAUP Professional Development Committee (including its years as the “Training Task Force”) since 1994, chairing the committee from 1999-2003. She has overseen the creation of a regular series of pre-meeting workshops and has been instrumental in reviewing applications to the Whiting Week-in-Residence program. Crewe also served tirelessly on the AAUP Board of Directors from 2001-2004, often representing the association to publishing industry meetings, providing advice to the Central Office staff, and serving on the Mellon Grant Task Force.

To quote one of the nominating letters: “A list of committee appointments, however, does not reflect substantive contributions, imaginative commitment, or indeed the practice of ‘going the extra mile’ that is what makes AAUP work as an organization. Jennifer’s service to the Association is notable, I think, for consistently demonstrating all three.”

Presenting the award, Doug Armato, Director, University of Minnesota Press, remembered that when he started his career at Columbia University Press in the early ’80s he had been lucky to find “so many people within the AAUP who were willing to share their knowledge and experience with me; to answer questions I had about how to do things; to help me develop as a professional. But,” he went on to say of his then-colleague, “this year’s recipient of the AAUP Constituency Award has done more than anyone to take the luck out of finding such guidance and mentoring.”

Read more about the history of the Constituency Award and see its complete Honor Roll.

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