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Updated University Press Subject Area Grid Now Available

The Association of University Presses (AUPresses) announces the publication of the latest Subject Area Grid, a valued resource for prospective authors, researchers, librarians, bibliographers, and publishers. Available as a free, downloadable spreadsheet that can be sorted by subject or publisher, the grid offers an accessible overview of 130 subject areas published by more than 140 of the Association’s member publishers worldwide.

The subject area grid has long been one of the Association’s most popular resources, updated now for the first time since 2021. It is an effective reference to discover publishers that have either an active program acquiring new work in a subject or in-print backlist still available. The 130 subjects tracked in the grid are broad and may cover a range of narrower sub-specialties, regional focuses, and newer related disciplines. The Association recommends always reviewing a publisher’s website and current catalogs for more detailed information about their publishing interests.

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Promuoviamo il ruolo fondamentale di una comunità globale di editori la cui missione è di garantire l’eccellenza scientifica e di coltivare il sapere.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Italian