AUPresses 2022 Sponsorship
With more than 500 attendees expected at AUPresses 2022, we look forward to again gathering our larger community of member publishers, as well as staff from non-member publishers, libraries, and higher education, in person once again. Press directors; editors; sales, marketing, and publicity staff; production, design, and editorial staff; financial officers; digital and audio publishing managers; journals staff; IT managers; and a variety of other scholarly publishing stakeholders are among those who regularly attend this annual conference.
AUPresses invites event sponsors to show their support of this vital community through underwriting some of the most exciting and valued features of the 2022 meeting, helping to keep registration fees low and accessible to the Association’s non-profit members. Sponsorship opportunities for AUPresses 2022 are available at a variety of support levels. The Association and its membership and attendees are grateful for what your sponsorship makes possible.
To become an AUPressses 2022 sponsor—or if you have interest in an opportunity that is not listed below—please contact us at annualmeeting@aupresses.org.
Special Opportunities
Opening Reception Diamond Sponsor ($20,000)
Library of Congress Great Hall, June 18
Help us welcome attendees to the meeting by sponsoring our marquee event in an unparalleled location. In addition to the Diamond Sponsor benefits listed below, you will be recognized at this event and be offered 4 invitations for staff and representatives to attend the reception.
Juneteenth Celebration Banquet Diamond Sponsor ($15,000)
Marriott Marquis, June 19
Our nation’s newest national holiday resonates deeply with the university press community. In addition to the Diamond Sponsor benefits listed below, you will be recognized on event signage and in remarks at the Banquet.
Conference Luncheons Platinum Sponsor ($12,000)—Two Opportunities
This year for the first time our luncheons will feature outside speakers addressing issues of critical importance to attendees. In addition to Platinum Sponsor benefits listed below, you will be recognized from the podium.
Conference Breakfasts Platinum Sponsor ($10,000)—Two Opportunities
Help attendees get their day started right! In addition to Platinum Sponsor benefits listed below, you will be recognized in event signage, including in spaces for special breakfasts conducted outside the main breakfast hall.
WiFi Gold Sponsor ($6,000)—One Opportunity
As our WiFi sponsor, you’ll help attendees stay connected throughout the meeting. In addition to the Gold Sponsor benefits listed below, signage recognizing your support will be posted throughout the meeting space.
Session Recordings Gold Sponsor ($5,000)—One Opportunity
Help extend the meeting’s educational reach by supporting the cost of video-recording selected meeting sessions. In addition to Gold Sponsor benefits listed below, we’ll recognize your support in session rooms and in videos.
Directors Luncheon Gold Sponsor ($5,000)—One Opportunity
Support a forum for AUPresses Press Directors to join together to network and discuss issues of common concern. In addition to Gold Sponsor benefits below, you will be recognized for your support in signage at this event and remarks from the podium.
DC Metro Transit Passes Gold Sponsor ($4,000)—One Opportunity
DC’s world-famous Metrorail system will serve as the primary means of transport from the Conference hotel to the Opening Reception at the Library of Congress. In addition to the Gold Sponsor benefits listed below, your support will be recognized in remarks at the Saturday reception.
Networking Lounge June 19-20 Gold Sponsor ($3,500)—One Opportunity
Provide refreshments for the AUPresses 2022 Networking Lounge where attendees can meet for conversation and connection throughout the meeting. In addition to the Gold Sponsor benefits listed below, your support will be recognized in signage in the Networking Lounge.
Coffee Break Silver Sponsor ($2,500 per break)—Six Opportunities
Everyone needs a break. Give attendees the chance to refuel between sessions in the Exhibit Hall. There are two breaks on June 19 and two breaks on June 20. In addition to the Silver Sponsor benefits listed below, your support will be recognized on event signage during your sponsored break.
Conference Speaker Silver Sponsor ($2,500)—Two Opportunities
Help underwrite the expense of bringing in keynote speakers for our plenary sessions. In addition to the Silver Sponsor benefits listed below, your support will be recognized in introductory remarks at the supported talk.
Travel and Registration Grants Silver Sponsor ($2500)—Six Opportunities
These include travel grants and registration waivers for [two] Early Career and [two] Diversity & Inclusion awards. In addition to the Silver Sponsor benefits below, your support will be recognized in grant notifications and application materials.
General Financial Support (Any Level)—Unlimited Opportunities
Help underwrite this professional education and networking event. Sponsorships help keep our member registration fees low, underwrite small press registration waivers, and ensure a vibrant experience for all attendees.
Support Levels
Diamond Sponsorship Level ($15,000-$20,000)
- All benefits listed under Platinum plus:
- 1 additional complimentary registration (2 total)
Platinum Sponsorship Level ($7500-$12,000)
- All benefits Listed under Gold plus:
- 1 complimentary event registration
Gold Sponsorship Level ($3000-$7000)
- All benefits Listed under Silver plus:
- 1 additional discounted (to member rate) registration (2 total)
Silver Sponsorship Level ($2500)
- All benefits listed under Bronze (not designated bronze-only) plus:
- 1 discounted (to member rate) meeting registration
- Pre-meeting registrants email list for one-time use
Bronze Sponsorship Level (minimum $1000)
- Acknowledgement from the Podium during Meeting welcome and closing remarks
- Recognition and logo on meeting website and in program
- Recognition and logo in signage at meeting Registration Desk
- Recognition in Sponsor-focused issue of the registrants newsletter
- Post-meeting registrants email list for one-time use
- Opportunity to advertise in Registrants Newsletter (subject to space availability)
- Bronze only: $50 discount code to use on relevant registration or exhibit fee
Become an AUPresses 2022 Sponsor!
Contact us at annualmeeting@aupresses.org to become a sponsor of AUPresses 2022.