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AUPresses 2024

AUPresses 2024 June 11-13, 2024 Montréal, Quebec #aupresses24

Annual Meeting

June 11-13, 2024

AUPresses 2024 took place on June 11-13 at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth in Montréal, Quebec.

The 2024 Annual Meeting Planning Committee, co-chaired by David Aycock (Baylor) and Michelle Sybert (Notre Dame), created a dynamic and collaborative meeting program that featured more than two days of educational sessions, plenaries, collaboration labs, exhibits and service demos, networking opportunities, and made the most of our time together in a beautiful city. The meeting attracted 469 attendees, including publishers that were able to join us from Ukraine. (Read more about the Association’s—and the larger community’s—commitment to Supporting Ukrainian Publishing Resilience and Recovery).

AUPresses 2024 Meeting Program

AUPresses 2024 Sponsors

AUPresses 2024 Exhibitors

AUPresses encourages all attendees to follow meeting conversation on their social media using #aupresses24.

AUPresses 2025

The AUPresses Annual Meeting will return to a virtual format in 2025. The event will take place in June 2025, exact dates to be announced.

Read more about the AUPresses Annual Meeting schedule.

Stay in the Know

Sign up for the AUPresses Annual Meeting Mailing List to hear about meeting plans, dates, and more.

If you have any questions please contact

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— AUPresses Mission Statement in Hmong