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Program Committee

Becky Brasington Clark, Johns Hopkins, Chair
Lisa Bayer, Georgia
Courtney Berger, Duke
Jane Bunker, Northwestern
Derek George, Texas
John Hussey, Kentucky
Christopher Kelaher, Brookings

Program: “Igniting the Future”

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday

Monday, June 18

Pre-Meeting Workshops & Special Meetings

Managing Print Inventory in the Digital World: Trends, Solutions, and Business Models
How do we manage inventory in an era in which a lifetime print run is no longer the norm, and is even inadvisable? In this half-day workshop, participants will exchange information and statistics related to what is certainly one of the most pressing questions facing scholarly publishers today.
Organizer: Leila W. Salisbury, Director, University Press of Mississippi

XML for University Press Publishing
XML offers an opportunity to add layers of new meaning and functionality to text both by enabling its adaptation to different media, formats, and platforms, and by transforming it into a full-fledged data resource. But XML and its associated technologies and standards can be complex and daunting, with many competing approaches within University Press publishing alone.
Organizers: Emily Arkin, Editor for Digital Publication Development, Harvard University Press; Marjorie Fowler, Electronic Projects Coordinator, University of North Carolina Press; Jake Furbush, Digital Publishing Manager, MIT Press; Kevin Hawkins, Head of Digital Publishing Production, MPublishing

Regional Publishing
Regional publishing has long been a key component of university publishers’ lists. This day-long workshop will focus on regional trade in a variety of ways and look at a number of traditional and innovative initiatives.
Organizers: Lisa Fortunato, Marketing and Publicity Director, Rutgers University Press; Alisa Plant, Acquisitions Editor, LSU Press

1:00 – 4:00 p.m. AAUP Press Directors Meeting
4:30 – 5:30 p.m. AAUP Business Meeting
5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Newcomers’ Reception
6:30 – 8:30 p.m. “A Taste of Chicago” Opening Reception and Buffet Dinner

Welcome from Neil Steinberg, columnist, Chicago Sun-Times and author of You Were Never in Chicago, forthcoming from the University of Chicago Press
Beverages sponsored by Thomson-Shore, Inc.

9:00 p.m. Dessert Reception

Sponsored by The Chronicle of Higher Education
Location: Fulton’s on the River

Tuesday, June 19

9:00 – 10:15 a.m. Concurrent Sessions

Prepress for Designers
“Everything looked great on my screen, so why did it come out so different on press?” Designers are often mystified by the many considerations that must be made when prepping a book to go to press. Reproducing images properly can be particularly tricky as each press and each paper type can have its own guidelines to follow when prepping images. In this session you will learn about industry standards in color calibration and the best practices for designers to follow, learn how to use printer-provided ICC profiles to best match the colors on your monitor with the colors that will come out on press, learn how things like ink density and dot gain affect image output and what you can do about it, and learn how to speak the same language as your prepress shop to best ensure that the adjustments and changes that you specify at the proofing stage are implemented the way you want them to be.
Chair: Gary Hawkey, Managing Partner, iocolor
Panelist: Jeff Johns, Prepress Department Team Leader, Thomson-Shore

The Best Book I’ve Ever Acquired
Our book acquisitions at university presses need to do many things for many constituencies, it seems—reaching sales quotas, moving lists and scholarly fields forward, establishing relationships with other institutional entities, and promoting the press and university brands. This panel offers the opportunity to hear from acquisitions editors about the books that they deem “the best” results of their efforts. Each panelist will focus on a single book and its process, and we’ll also save time for a conversation with the audience about best practices for press-wide communication about what makes a successful title.
Chair: Larin McLaughlin, Senior Acquisitions Editor, University of Illinois Press
Panelists: Marguerite Avery, Senior Acquisitions Editor, The MIT Press; William Frucht, Executive Editor, Yale University Press; Craig Gill, Assistant Director/Editor-in-Chief, University Press of Mississippi; Christie Henry, Editorial Director, Sciences and Social Sciences, The University of Chicago Press; Charles Rankin, Associate Director/Editor-in-Chief, University of Oklahoma Press; Ken Wissoker, Editorial Director, Duke University Press

The University Press Advantage in Journals Acquisitions
Pursuing good journals for one’s list often means going up against commercial publishers with deeper pockets than the average university press. So many university presses have nurtured new, start-up journals from infancy to initial success only to hand over the journals to for-profit publishers. Losing a prospective journal to the commercial giant isn’t necessarily a foregone conclusion. Following last year’s session on starting a journals program or ramping up journals acquisitions, we will examine the value-add of university presses and how to promote that value to both potential acquisitions and existing client journals. We’ll also look at strategies that university presses can adopt to stay competitive, with a special look at the pros and cons of developing brand new journals.
Chair: Teal Amthor-Shaffer, Journals Editor, Michigan State University Press
Panelists: Liz Brown, Manager, User Services, Project MUSE; Paula Gantz, Paula Gantz Publishing Consultancy; Andrea Twiss-Brooks, University of Chicago Libraries

Patron-Driven Acquisition from the Publisher’s Point of View: Report from a Mellon-Funded Study
Patron-driven acquisitions (PDA) is a rapidly evolving method by which libraries purchase books. In the PDA model, books are only purchased (or, in some instances, rented) when a patron actually requests access. As a practical matter, this is likely to reduce book purchases by libraries and will in any event often delay the date when a book is purchased. As PDA is likely to have an impact on publishers’ revenues, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation underwrote a grant to study the impact of PDA on book publishers, university presses in particular. The aim of the study is to provide an overview of PDA from the publisher’s point of view and to identify means by which publishers can lessen the economic impact of the new PDA programs.
Chair: Terry Ehling, Associate Director, Content Development, Project MUSE
Panelists: Rick Anderson, University of Utah Libraries
[Presentation]; Joe Esposito, Publishing Consultant [Presentation]
[Watch session]

Best Practices in Editing
This panel explores how the advent of ebooks and other technological changes have altered, or should alter, how we edit. What is the right amount of editing? How should editorial tasks be allocated among acquisitions editors, in-house manuscript editorial staff, and freelance copyeditors? Whither developmental editing? How should XML workflows affect what editors do? How should editorial work change as our products are offered in digital reflowable formats as well as—or even instead of—print and other fixed formats?
Chair: Christina Coffin, Director of Publishing Operations, Yale University Press
Panelists: Crissie Johnson, Managing Editor, University of Alabama Press; Scott Norton, Director of Editing, Design, and Production, University of California Press; Anita Samen, Managing Editor, University of Chicago Press

10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Coffee Break

Sponsored by Lehigh Phoenix

10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions

The Business of Publishing: Financial Management Basics for Non-Financial Managers
Many people are drawn to publishing because they love to work with words. Yet anyone in a management position—whether acquisitions, editorial, production, or marketing—needs to know some financial management basics. This session will introduce anyone interested in understanding press finances to the fundamental tools of financial publishing: the balance sheet and income statement, inventory valuation, and accounting for subscriptions. For all people interested in learning more about press finances.
Chair: Kathy Stein, Director of Finance & Business Operations, American Psychiatric Publishing
Panelists: Timothy Doyle, Chief Financial Officer, Harvard University Press; Bob Peterson, Director of Accounting, University of Chicago Press

Best Practices in Cover and Jacket Development
Beautiful, high quality books are an ideal we as publishers all hold dear. But many of us struggle with issues that arise when aesthetic, marketing/sales, authorial, practical, and editorial concerns come into conflict and have to be addressed and juggled in the process of designing a book and its “outerwear.” This session will look at the process of developing a good book design–about how to integrate aesthetic concerns with stakeholders’ needs and economic and technological realities–as well as the most efficient work flows. We will look at some individual book designs and talk about the stories of their development. We will also talk about the kinds of hurdles we encounter as well as the kinds of compromises we often have to make. The session will be run as a focus group rather than as a panel presentation, and audience participants are invited to bring designs and experiences of their own. We will have an LCD projector for visuals.
Chair: Carol Kasper, Marketing Director, University of Chicago Press
Panelists: Amy Buchanan, Book Designer, Duke University Press; Lia Tjandra, Art Director, University of California Press; Gita Manaktala, Editorial Director, MIT Press

Beyond eBooks: Scholarly Publishing in the Digital Age
New technologies are fundamentally changing what university presses publish, how it can be published, and ultimately what our role is in this new digital landscape. While most presses are focused on digitizing books and expanding the digital distribution of content initially published for paper, many of our authors are working on multimedia and born-digital projects that are transforming the scholarly landscape. As scholars, research methods, and results move beyond the concept of a page–be it print or electronic—we as publishers must adapt so that we can continue to play a valuable role in disseminating the best scholarship. This session will explore the opportunities and barriers involved in leveraging technology to advance scholarly publishing in a new age of interactive, dynamic, collaborative, linked content. We will address such questions as: How are scholars using non-book content? What is the role of university presses and libraries in creating and distributing digital content? How do new multimedia and digital projects differ from enhanced ebooks and what new experiences do they offer? What are the implications for organizational structures, processes, and staffing? What types of new partnerships or collaborations can help to advance digital publishing for presses? How should presses measure the impact of digital knowledge dissemination (i.e., existing or new business metrics)?
Chair: David Schiffman, Director of Digital Publishing, Yale University Press
Panelists: Marguerite Avery, Senior Acquisitions Editor, MIT Press; Sylvia Miller, Project Director “Publishing the Long Civil Rights Movement”, University of North Carolina Press

The Future of Tenure and Promotion
How does the university press’s need for greater financial self-reliance affect the tenure and promotion process for young scholars? How have digital projects, ebooks changed what will count for career advancement? What is the university press’s role in that process?
Chair: Henry L. Carrigan, Jr., Assistant Director and Senior Editor, Northwestern University Press
Panelists: Patrick Alexander, Director, Penn State University Press; Ellen McClure, Associate Professor of French and Head of Department of French and Francophone Studies, University of Illinois-Chicago; Brian McGrath, Assistant Professor and Associate Chair, Department of English, Clemson University

[Watch session]

The Amazing 21st-Century Sales Manager
The role of the Sales Manager is rapidly evolving in the face of the digital revolution currently underway in publishing. This panel looks at the challenges Sales Managers currently face and how their roles and responsibilities are changing. Some of the issues that will be discussed are: the importance of ebooks and how they are blurring the lines of departments and responsibilities, the library marketplace, dealing with national accounts, the role of the rep and independent bookstores, Edelweiss, Espresso, analysis of sales patterns and use of aales reporting systems, printing and inventory decisions, the evolution of the sales conference and special sales.
Chair: John Kessler, Sales Director, University of Chicago Press
Panelists: Anne Bunn, Director of Sales, MIT Press; Michael Donatelli, Sales Director, University of North Carolina Press; Matt Naumann, Academic Digital Product Manager, YBP Library Services; John Rubin, President & CEO, Above the Treeline LLC; Mark Saunders, Assistant Director, University of Virginia Press

Tackling the Unthinkable: Digitizing the Backlist
How has the need for digital rights changed the shape of the book? Featuring speakers from presses that have undertaken varying processes to clear rights for older books, this session might help you answer some initial philosophical questions and then develop a plan to tackle (or finish) the job. Where do you start? Do you have ebook rights? How do you compensate authors? What about third-party permissions? Who is going to do this? How long will it take? How do you keep track of what you have checked, what you need to check, what you approved, what you rejected?
Chair: Laura Young Bost, Rights Manager, University of Texas Press [Notes]
Panelists: Kathleen Kornell, Rights & Permissions/Award Manager, University of Illinois Press [Notes]; Claire Lewis Evans, Rights & Permissions Coordinator, University of Alabama Press [Presentation]
[Session Presentation] [Handout]

12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Lunch with Valedictory Presidential Address and Constituency Award

Speaker: MaryKatherine Callaway, AAUP President and Director of Louisiana State University Press
Read Callaway’s valedictory address >

1:45 – 3:00 p.m. Plenary 1

Federal Mandates and Open Access
Lively discussion of the Research Works Act (RWA), the Federal Research Public Access Act (FRPA), and the America COMPETES (Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science) Reauthorization Act of 2010.
Chair: Peter Givler, Executive Director, AAUP
Panelists: Tom Allen, President, Association of American Publishers; Sarah M. Pritchard, Dean of Libraries and Charles Deering McCormick University Librarian, Northwestern University; John C. Vaughn, Executive Vice President, Association of American Universities
[Watch session]

3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Coffee Break
3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Concurrent Sessions

“Chunking” Content: Disaggregation by Market Channel
There’s a huge amount of buzz now about “chunking” our content in order to increase incremental revenues. But how can presses separate the true opportunities from hype? Is there real revenue to be gained here? And who’s doing it successfully and in which market channels? This session will tease out the key issues presses must consider in beginning to disaggregate content. Panelists representing the retail, course adoption, and library markets will present three case studies to help guide your planning. You’ll come away with an overview of the options in these core markets, actionable next steps, and an awareness of pitfalls to avoid.
Chair: Rebekah Darksmith, Marketing & Sales Director, University of California Press
Panelists: Michael Cairns, Chief Revenue Officer, SharedBook &; Marjorie Fowler, Electronic Projects Coordinator, UNC Press; Alan Harvey, Director, Stanford University Press

So You Want to Be a Director? Leadership Strategies for New and Aspiring Directors from the Director’s Tool Kit
Even though we talk about shining examples of “born” leaders, we also hold equally to the common wisdom that leaders are made, not born. So how does one “make” a leader? Or, more specifically, how do you make yourself into a leader of a twenty-first century university press if you suddenly find yourself at the helm (or if you aspire to be at the helm)? What skills and knowledge provide a solid base for a university press director? Join us for a conversation with a few recently appointed directors as well as a leadership scholar from Regis University’s School of Management. Key leadership qualities as well as useful skill-sets and knowledge will be discussed, and newbie directors will offer practical, on-the-ground examples of how they developed and refined those skills and qualities.
Chair: Darren Pratt, Director, University Press of Colorado
Panelists: Cynthia D. Barnes, Regis University; Alison Mudditt, Director, University of California Press; Jane Hoehner, Director, Wayne State University Press; Charles Watkinson, Director, Purdue University Press

Digital Tools for Effective Marketing and Promotion
This panel will examine how digital innovations are being integrated throughout traditional marketing methods. From incorporating hot tools like QR codes into direct mail and catalogs to supplementing print catalogs with their digital counterparts, this panel will also look at how presses are replacing direct mail campaigns with Constant Contact and other email promotions. Finally, we’ll discuss how using blogs, enhanced e-content, and Twitter are used to drive sales and publicity and build branding.
Chair: Rachael Levay, Sales & Publicity Manager, University of Washington Press
Panelists: Colleen Devine Ellis, Publicist, University of Texas Press; Emily Grandstaff, Marketing & Publicity Manager, University of Virginia Press; Amanda Sharp, Publicity Manager, University of Georgia Press

Publishing Translations—Perils and Rewards
Publishing translations can be a complicated, time-consuming, and expensive process. Is it worth it? What are the benefits of translations, both in terms of revenue and list development? How do you find the best books to translate amidst a world of smart and worthy academic work? Is it worth attending the Frankfurt Book Fair to make contacts with foreign publishers? What are the common pitfalls that editors and presses face when negotiating with foreign presses? How do you find competent and reliable translators, and fund their work? This panel will consider the risks and rewards of making translations a core part of your publishing program. Although the focus will be on acquiring and publishing translations, the panelists will also touch on selling translation rights to your own books.
Chair: Alan Thomas, Editorial Director, Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Chicago Press
Panelists: Jennifer Crewe, Associate Director and Editorial Director, Columbia University Press; Susan Harris, Editorial Director, Words without Borders; Ines ter Horst, Foreign Rights Manager, University of Chicago Press

[Watch session]

Wrangling Author Permissions: Tools for Capturing and Storing Data
We task authors with clearing permissions for third-party content, be it maps, figures, photographs, or text. How do we keep up with this cumbersome but essential information? Here we share and discuss solutions—from dynamic questionnaires to databases to online portals—that deliver data from the author to the press.
Chair: Vicky Wells, Director of Contracts and Subsidiary Rights, University of North Carolina Press
Panelists: Chris Cosner, IT Manager, Stanford University Press; Karen Pelaez, Subsidiary Rights and Contracts, Harvard University Press

The Lifecycle of an App: Designing, Developing, and Marketing Content for Tablets
Tablets devices like the Apple iPad rekindle our tactile experience with reading that went missing when print books went digital. Once again we can experience the material, albeit it in different ways. These tablets allow for the integration of a host of content once considered ancillary and relegated to a distant webpage promising a more synthetic experience. And this promises to change how we think about the book and its elements. This panel features a range of experiences from acquisitions editors, designers, developers, and marketing. Participants will hear about such fascinating projects as Gems and Jewels and E.O. Wilson’s interactive Life on Earth. The panelists will also discuss strategies for app development, designing apps that preserve the beauty of the book in a digital environment, data visualization, and the marketing of apps. Attendees will be presented with a summary of the current state of the tablet market as pertaining to university presses as well as a primer of terms on tablet projects. Although the particulars are focused on the iPad, the majority of this applies to other platforms.
Chair: Marguerite Avery, Senior Acquisitions Editor, MIT Press
Panelists: Christie Henry, Editorial Director for Sciences and Social Sciences, University of Chicago Press; Gaël McGill, President & CEO of Digizyme/Director of Molecular Visualization at Harvard Medical School/Director of Molecular Visualization/Director, E.O. Wilson’s ‘Life on Earth’; John Bonadies, Principal and Creative Director of Bonadies Creative Inc., and Co-Founder and President of mpress Interactive, LLC; Ellen Gibson, Senior Promotions Manager for Reference, Regional, and Special Projects, University of Chicago Press

5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions

Update from the Library Aggregators
2012 has seen several changes in the library aggregator world, including inclusion in approval plans, new apps for downloadable books, and libraries lending books through Kindle, Nook, and other devices. New aggregators have begun to sell content, and new challenges have emerged. Representatives will discuss new offerings being developed, what libraries are asking for, responses from publishers, and more.
Chair: Lynda Schuh, Sales Manager, University of Illinois Press
Panelists: Michael Zeoli, VP, Strategic eContent Development & Partner Relations, YBP Library Services; Anna Bullard, Director, Publisher Acquisitions and Relations at Ebrary Inc; Frank Smith, Director, Books at JSTOR; Terry Ehling, Associate Director Content Development/Publisher Relations, UPCC Books on Project MUSE

Free, But Not Easy
This panel will address some of the key issues surrounding Open Access and other efforts to make scholarly and textbook content more freely available, including business models for sustainability. What role can open access play in the overall UP world now? Does it differ between disciplines, and why? What can we expect from the future in this regard, and what ramifications will it have for university presses? The panel will explore three models of Open Access. Barbara Kline-Pope will discuss the first year of all Open Access at NAP; David Harris of Connexions/Open Stax College will discuss seed funding and development for OA textbooks, and Meredith Morris-Babb will discuss UPF’s hybrid model of print/Open for monographs. Q&A to follow with an update on the University Press Open Access Collective.
Chairs: Meredith Morris-Babb, Director, University Press of Florida; David Harris, Editor-in-Chief, Connexions, Rice University; Barbara Kline Pope, Director, National Academies Press

Book, Jacket, and Journal Show
The judges gather to share the thinking behind their selections for this year’s show.
Chair: Martha Farlow, Production Manager, University of Virginia Press
Judges: Cheryl Towler Weese, Studio Blue; Sandra Hudson, former Design and Production Manager, University of Georgia Press; Christopher Brand, Art Director, Crown Trade and Hogarth; Karen Horton, Art Director,

Moving Print Journals to E-Only
When does it make sense to move a print journal to e-only? This session will explore practical considerations and ramifications of moving print journals to electronic-only, such as ease of putting the journal online, any differences in marketing an e-only journal, and what changes to expect in subscriptions. Should a start-up journal even have a print component? When switching to e-only makes sense from a financial perspective, how can one convince editors to give up print? Does going e-only affect the reputation of the journal in its field and the ability to get submissions? Will print copies be needed, and is POD sufficient? Join us for tips, tricks, and a lively discussion.
Chair: Liz Brown, Manager, User Services, Project MUSE
Panelists: Terence Smyre, APM Project Supervisor, University of Nebraska Press; Clydette Wantland, Journals Manager, University of Illinois Press

Fundraising (and Alternatives) in a Tough Economy
Panelists will present ideas and strategies for funding and welcomes participants to share ideas and successes too. Speakers will offer timeless advice on fundraising best practices and share recent success stories of grants to fund operating costs, a series endowment, student internships, and giving books to regional libraries. Michael Spooner will discuss how Utah State, after a deep cut in university funding, was able to survive by merging with the University Press of Colorado.
Chair: Sheila Leary, Director, University of Wisconsin Press
Panelists: Gabriel Dotto, Director, Michigan State University Press; Jane Hoehner, Director, Wayne State University Press; Michael Spooner, Associate Director, University Press of Colorado (Utah State University Press imprint)

[Watch session]

Open Peer Review: The New Dynamics of Scholarly Vetting and the Implications for University Presses
Over the past year, NYU Press and the scholarly network MediaCommons, with funding from the Mellon Foundation, have been examining open peer review, aka peer-to-peer review, of scholarly books and articles. We have considered a range of options and scenarios for open peer review, including fully public online review, collaborative review among a defined set of readers, and more. The result of our work will be a white paper that will assess the value and shortcomings of open peer review and serve as a road map for scholars and publishers, articulating criteria and protocols for conducting open peer review. The paper will also discuss the technical functionalities required to support these protocols and assess currently available tools. The draft report will be made available online for review in advance of the annual meeting. At this session, we’ll discuss our draft findings, as well as our own experiments with open peer review and some of the broad implications of the open web for UPs.
Chair: Eric Zinner, Assistant Director and Editor-in-Chief, NYU Press
Panelist: Cheryl Ball, Associate Professor of English at Illinois State University and Editor of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy

6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Reception

Sponsored by The New York Review of Books and the University of Chicago Press
Location: Terzo Piano at the Art Institute of Chicago

9:00 – 11:00 p.m. Tweet-Up

Want to put a face and personality to that Twitter handle? Drop by this informal gathering to meet the people behind the posts.
Co-hosts: Susan Doerr (@susanmpls), Operations Manager, University of Minnesota Press; John P. Hussey (@kybookmarketer), Director of Marketing & Sales, University Press of Kentucky
Location: New Line Tavern

Wednesday, June 20

9:00 – 10:15 a.m. Concurrent Sessions

E-Book Nuts and Bolts
Congratulations, you’ve got e-books! Now what? Wondering how to get traction in the e-book market as a small press? Triaging e-book workflow amidst staff changes? Grappling with the time e-books require when you’ve got other work, too? These are a few of the challenges e-books bring as we begin to refine our workflows. Panelists from Rights, Marketing, and the Director’s office at three small presses will talk frankly about the e-book issues they have been grappling with and what has and has not worked for them. We are setting aside time for Q&A, so bring e-book questions you’ve been wanting to ask!
Chair: Krista Coulson, Digital Publishing Manager, The University of Chicago Press
Panelists: Laura Leichum, Intellectual Property Manager, Georgetown University Press [Presentation]; Alex Holzman, Director, Temple University Press [Notes]; John P. Hussey, Director of Marketing and Sales, The University Press of Kentucky
[Marketing Handbook Chapter] [Glossary of Terms] [Handout]

Policy Wars: University Presses in the Crossfire
Recent battles over the Research Works Act, SOPA, PIPA and now the reintroduction of the Federal Research Public Access Act are a continuation of increasing battles over access to scholarly research and content. Demands for open access to publicly funded research have fueled attempted legislation at both federal and state level, as well as mandates from funders and grassroots activities. Fiscal responsibility ensures our editorial independence and freedom of operation, but our interests—and those of our host universities—will diverge and even collide as these issues become more politicized. Where does this leave university presses? Is there still a viable moderate position on these concerns? Where might we build alliances and how can we handle friction with faculty, libraries and administrations? What can we do individually and collectively to cultivate a clear understanding of the value we add?
Chair: Allison Muddit, Director, University of California Press
Panelists: Ivy Anderson, Director, Collection Development and Management, California Digital Library; James Evans, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago; Ellen Faran, Director, MIT Press; Janet Rabinowitch, Director, University of Indiana Press

International Sales in the Information Age
These days, semi-stable currency conversions and markups are scrutinized by savvy consumers with smart phones. Should presses price in multiple international currencies? Shipping costs continue to increase, and overseas inventory management becomes increasingly painful. Is local POD the answer? It sometimes seems that all we hear about anymore are e-books. Are e-books the great panacea for the problems of selling internationally? What’s their status/future overseas? This panel gathers for a free-wheeling discussion of these topics, and welcomes suggestions for future debate.
Chair: David Jackson, Sales and Marketing Director, Stanford University Press
Panelists: Saleem Dhamee, International Sales Manager, University of Chicago Press, Michael Duckworth, Publisher, Hong Kong University Press

Making Your Metadata Better
As the publishing business continues its transformation staff at university presses continue to refine how each of their roles intersect with the creation and use of metadata—the data that powers the content we publish. Expert panelists will discuss tools and processes to improve the creation and management of our metadata.
Chair: Susan Doerr is Operations Manager at the University of Minnesota Press.
Panelists: Michael Cairns, Chief Revenue Officer, SharedBook, Inc. and; Bob Oeste, Senior Programmer/Analyst, Johns Hopkins University Press
[Watch session]

Global Accessibility: Distributing Content to Developing Countries
Widespread dissemination of knowledge is a goal of many university presses, and many presses have robust international sales divisions. But several programs that operate outside of the traditional sales rep and warehouse model can provide new audiences in developing countries. This panel will explore three programs that are set up to facilitate the creation and dissemination of published materials while protecting the rights of authors and publishers.
Chair: Ann Snoeyenbos, International Sales Manager, Project MUSE 
Panelists: Bernard Appiah, AuthorAID@INASP; Cristina Atencio, Associate Program Director, CRDF Global; Colin McCullough, Book Program Manager, Sabre Foundation; Kate Duff, Marketing Director, Journals Division, The University of Chicago Press

List Building with Constraints
This panel will address the fundamentals of list building for acquisition editors. Junior and mid-career editors will reflect on how they go about developing their lists with an emphasis on the kinds of constraints that all editors must deal with and overcome. For instance: how do you acquire books when you don’t know a field? How do you acquire books when your press is new to a field? How do you acquire books in a field where books are not a priority? How do you change the direction of your list in a field?
Chair: Eric Schwartz, Acquisitions Editor, Princeton University Press
Panelists: Christopher Chung, Assistant Editor, Life Sciences, University of Chicago Press; Brian Halley, Editor, University of Massachusetts Press; Mike Levine, Acquisitions Editor, Northwestern University Press

10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Coffee Break

Sponsored by Copyright Clearance Center

10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions

Is This Really My Job? (Or, How Digital Publishing Has Changed the Workflow at the Scholarly Press)
Over the past few years presses have dramatically changed the ways that we create and sell our products—from establishing XML workflows and expanding e-book production and sales to taking on multimedia and digital projects and working with consortia. With restricted resources, this has meant that many press employees have experienced dramatic shifts in their responsibilities, as well as who they work with both inside and outside the press. For some presses, entirely new positions have been created in order to develop and steer new digital initiatives, while at other presses the tasks have been divided amongst existing staff. This panel will examine both strategies, offering insights, practical advice and, we hope, humor, as we discuss the perils encountered in adapting to transformations in the workplace.
Chair: Alan Harvey, Deputy Director and Editor-in-Chief, Stanford University Press
Panelists: Krista Coulson, Digital Publishing Manager, University of Chicago Press; Susan Doerr, Operations Manager, University of Minnesota Press

[Watch session]

Geek out and explore the functionality of a wide variety of e-readers. Is your organization publishing e-reader formats that you haven’t had a chance to try? With so many devices and platforms to choose from, which direction should you go? This digital petting zoo will give you the opportunity to play with a variety of popular devices, chat and share experiences, and discuss trends and patterns. This is your chance for “hands on” experiences. (E-reader loans—especially older/discontinued/rare models—welcome! Contact morris-robinson AT
Chair: Dino Robinson, Production Coordinator, Northwestern University Press

The Transformation of Peer Review
Peer review, in some form, is an accepted part of the acquiring process for university presses. For press editors, it informs their evaluation and decision-making processes; for authors, it is an important step in the publication process that helps to strengthen the quality and impact of their book. This panel will examine from several perspectives the dominant peer-review model in university press publishing—its merits and faults. In doing so, it will assess peer review’s complicated relationship with publishers, authors, and the Academy, considering ways to transform the process into a more sustainable practice. For an editor or an author, what makes a helpful reader’s report? How do we best navigate the review of work that is interdisciplinary? How might university presses avoid becoming the unwitting participants in the tenure and promotion process for our authors, when all we really want to do is publish a good book? Should we be bypassed in the peer-review process altogether? What is the value of publication-based peer review to the Academy? Should imprint, or venue of publication, be a deciding factor in institutional peer review for tenure and promotion? We’ll go down these and other rabbit holes as we discuss this important evaluative function.
Chair: Kendra Boileau, Editor-in-Chief, Penn State University Press
Panelists: Diane Harley, Principal Investigator for Peer Review in Academic Promotion and Publishing study; Gita Manaktala, Editorial Director, MIT Press; Martha T. Roth, Dean of Humanities and Chauncey S. Boucher Distinguished Service Professor of Assyriology, University of Chicago

The Changing Bookstore Landscape
The panel will address recent changes in the bookstore landscape, including the demise of Borders, the indie resurgence, the rise of ebooks and Amazon’s attempts to dominate the market. Panelists will discuss how university presses and bookstores can work together more effectively, and how bookstores are adapting to the changing marketplace.
Chair: Bruce Joshua Miller, President, Miller Trade Book Marketing
Panelists: Linda Bubon, Women and Children First; Jack Cella, Seminary Coop; Cathy Schornstein, HarperCollins Field Sales Representative and former bookseller; John Eklund, Rep for Yale, Harvard, and MIT and Publishers Weekly Rep of the Year 2011

The Future of Course Adoption
Adoption tracking is increasing difficult as sales disperse across channels. Flexibility is critical in achieving the right balance of marketing resources and measuring results. How will print and e-book rentals, used books, and libraries factor into the future landscape? College students still prefer print books to e-books, though we need to be ready to meet demand when that preference shifts. This session includes strategies for promoting books for adoption, following up on promotion campaigns, analyzing results, and publishing in formats that can be adopted in diverse environments.
Chair: Michelle Pullano, Textbook Manager, MIT Press
Panelists: Kerry Cahill, Associate Director, College Sales and Marketing, Cambridge University Press; Tom McElwee, President and Founder, TWM Research; Jade Roth, Vice President, Books and Digital Strategy, Barnes & Noble College

DIY ePub
Many traditional print book designers have been looking on with trepidation as ebooks make up more and more of the bottom line at university presses. More frightening still is the way that beautiful printed books that designers have meticulously created are (often) carelessly converted into ebooks with little heed to the original designs. In a world of eReaders that give each user control over many aspects of the appearance of the text, is there a need for book designers anymore? This session will explore the role that the designer can have in creating ebooks that are as clear and beautiful as possible within the constraints of the new technology. It will explain converting books from InDesign files to ePub format and the way that ebooks look and function on the various different devices that they are viewed on.
Chair: Amanda Gomm, Digital Bindery
Panelist: Abbey Gaterud, Publisher, Ooligan Press, and Book Design Instructor, Portland State University

12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Lunch and Inaugural Presidential Address

Speaker: Peter Dougherty, Director, Princeton University Press
Read Dougherty’s inaugural address >

1:45 – 3:00 p.m. Plenary 2

IGNITE! Collaborating with Users, Curating Content, Building Community
Chairs: Lisa Bayer, Director Designate, University of Georgia Press; Levi Stahl, Promotions Director, University of Chicago Press
Presenters: Jonathan Eyler-Werve, Community Media Workshop; J.C. Gabel, The Chicagoan; Christina Kahrl, Baseball Prospectus; Tanner McSwain, Uncharted Books; Hal Pollard, Laureate International Universities Publishing; Tony Sanfilippo, Assistant Press Director and Marketing and Sales Director, Penn State University Press
[Watch session]

3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Coffee Break
3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Concurrent Sessions

Book, Jacket, and Journal Show
The judges gather to share the thinking behind their selections for this year’s show.
Chair: Martha Farlow, Production Manager, University of Virginia Press
Judges: Cheyl Towler Weese, Studio Blue; Sandra Hudson, former Design and Production Manager, University of Georgia Press; Christopher Brand, Art Director, Crown Trade and Hogarth; Karen Horton, Art Director,

I’d Rather Die Than Speak in Public
According to national surveys, fear of public speaking ranks among Americans’ top dreads, often surpassing the fear of death itself. Since everybody is, in one way or another, a public speaker, this means there are a lot of people harboring that fear. Whether you are a Director presenting to your University’s Board of Governors or an Editor-in-Chief serving on a panel at AAUP or a Marketing Assistant engaging with authors and customers at a conference you need to communicate effectively. You make a living in support of the written word, often via the spoken word—to donors, buyers, sales reps, administrators, peers, media, the general public, and others. It’s not always easy but you can be put at ease. This session will make the task less challenging by looking at public speaking and engagement with a professional actor’s focus: script, rehearsal, stage setting, sound, lights, reading the audience—even costume and makeup. You’ll learn practical tips that will increase your confidence and your professionalism. Promising to be a useful, stress-reducing and even fun experience, this session even offers a ‘money-back guarantee’—the presenter offers $5.00 to every participant who claims to have gotten no ‘takeaway’. Don’t miss it!
Chair: Jane Hoehner, Director, Wayne State University Press
Panelist: Dennis Moore, Public Affairs Officer at the Consulate General of Canada in Detroit

Friendly Budget Basics for Non-Financial Managers
Individuals seeking career advancement need to know how to build and manage budgets. Yet the topic sends fear into the hearts of English and humanities graduates. If you can quote Chaucer, but are scared of debits and credits, this session is for you. Through an interactive session with the audience, panelists and participants will build a basic budget. You’ll get some tips for tracking the budget against expenses throughout the year, along with guidance on how to cope with the unexpected.
Co-Chairs: Sandy Adams, Director of Operations and Fulfillment, National Academies Press; Rachel Levy, Business Manager, National Academies Press
[Watch session] [Session presentation]

Chicago Media Panel: Publicity
This panel will feature editors and producers from various Chicago-based media outlets and will focus on (1) what the editors/producers look for in considering book coverage; (2) the preferred methods for two-way communication; and (3) how the columns/programs are incorporating social media in coverage. The panel will be an opportunity for marketers in the university press community to “meet” Chicago media members and learn practical ways to pitch books to Midwest outlets.
Chair: Michael Roux, Publicity Manager, University of Illinois Press
Panelists: Brad Hooper, Booklist; Jerome Ludwig, Chicago Reader; Jason Marck, WBEZ; Elizabeth Taylor, Chicago Tribune; Karen Zarker, Senior Editor, PopMatters

Creating an Exposure Strategy for Your Journals
Journal managers know that putting a journal online and getting it indexed in Google is important, but only one step in gaining appropriate exposure for their journals. This session will help you combine traditional and nontraditional means for getting your journals “out there,” including how to get your journals in the appropriate indexes in order to increase both usage and library subscriptions, using social media, and adopting new approaches to advertising. Perhaps most important is measuring the success of your efforts—is it eyeballs, citations, subscriptions, or something else?—and readjusting your strategy to make your journals indispensable in their fields.
Chair: Paul Chase, Journals Coordinator, University of Pennsylvania Press
Panelists: Brian Harrington, Collection Development Coordinator, Project MUSE; Corey Zacharias, Journals Licensing Coordinator, University of Chicago Press; Rebekah Darksmith, Marketing & Sales Director and Assistant Director, University of California Press

The Georgia State Decision: Implications for Publishers
In 2008 three scholarly publishers filed complaints against Georgia State University in protest of that institution’s use of copyrighted materials in electronic reserves. In May 2012, Judge Orinda Evans (U.S. District Court, Northern District of Georgia) ruled that most of the alleged infringements qualified as fair use, and essentially adopted a bright-line test permitting the use of one chapter from works containing ten or more chapters in electronic course materials for university classes. The full impact of her 350-page ruling is still being absorbed by the academic community. In this session Linda Steinman, a partner at Davis Wright Tremaine LLP (and AAUP’s regular outside counsel), discusses the court’s fair use analysis, the issues facing the plaintiffs as they decide whether or not to appeal, and the broader ramifications of the decision.
Chair: Linda Steinman, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

5:00 – 5:30 p.m. AAUP 75th Anniversary Celebration

Have a slice of cake and share a toast to celebrate AAUP’s first 75 years! Exhibitor prize drawings will also be announced.

מיר פֿירן אַריבער די עיקרדיקע ראָלע פֿון אַ גלאָבאַלער געמיינשאַפֿט פֿון פֿאַרלעגערס, װאָס זייער מיסיע איז פֿאַרזיכערן אַקאַדעמישע אויסגעצייכנקייט און קולטוװירן דאָס װיסן. 

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Yiddish