JUNE 3—Friends and allies of the Press have created a website to coordinate resources and responses to the threat that still hangs over Stanford University Press. Find a timeline, SUP facts, and actions to take at https://save-sup.org/.
April 30, 2019
Last week, the Association of University Presses was shocked to learn that one of its founding members, Stanford University Press, was facing the elimination of its annual budget allocation from Stanford University. Today, AUPresses Executive Director Peter Berkery has sent Stanford’s President and Provost a letter expressing our concern over such a course of action and offering the Association’s considerable resources in data and expertise as a path forward is charted.
May 1, 2019
The news that circulated yesterday evening of a commitment to a 1-year extension of budget provision to Stanford University Press brings a moment of relief. We continue to urge the university to look long-term and work with university press publishing experts on campus and throughout the community to restore confidence in the continuing excellence of their Press.
May 8, 2019
Resources and Community Response below continue to be updated. Many learned and scholarly societies are weighing in on the continued threat to Stanford University Press.
May 15, 2019
This week, 16 scholarly societies sent a letter to Stanford University expressing concerns over the possible elimination of all funding for the press: “University presses such as Stanford’s are essential to scholarship in the humanities and social sciences.”
June 13, 2019
The Stanford University Faculty Senate met for its final meeting of the academic year, and the Press was the only substantive item on the agenda. A record number of attendees observed SUP Director Alan Harvey’s presentation on the history, operations, and editorial profile of the Press. A motion was carried to appoint a committee to review the press from an academic standpoint and to strengthen faculty oversight of administration decisions that may affect press operations. Faculty advocates organized a twitter storm to coincide with the Senate deliberations. Dr. Tom Mullaney turned it into a Twitter Moment you can view.
July 30, 2019
Stanford Daily: Provost’s committee on SU Press to submit report in September, leaving unformed Faculty Senate committee’s role in question
by Holden Foreman
June 18, 2019
Chronicle of Higher Education: Tensions Remain Over Status of Stanford’s Press
by Alexander C. Kafka
June 16, 2019
Stanford Daily: Faculty Senate calls for ad hoc committee to explore academic role of SU Press
by Holden Foreman
June 5, 2019
Stanford Daily: The People, The Money, The Books: Inside Stanford University Press
by Elise Miller
May 1, 2019
Inside Higher Ed: Reprieve at Stanford
by Scott Jaschik
THE: Stanford University Press Gets Funding Reprieve after Protests
Paul Basken
April 30, 2019
Chronicle of Higher Education: Facing Blowback, Stanford Partly Reverses Course and Pledges Press Subsidy for One More Year
by Alexander C. Kafka
April 29, 2019
Inside Higher Ed: Stanford Moves to Stop Supporting Its University Press
by Scott Jaschik
Stanford Daily: Stanford community outraged at SU Press defunding, over 1,000 sign petitions
by Elise Miller
April 26, 2019
Chronicle of Higher Education: Proposed Cut of Stanford U. Press’s Subsidy Sparks Outrage
by Alexander C. Kafka
Stanford Daily: Faculty Senate discusses consequences of tight budget, graduate student affordability
by Paxton Scott
Community Response Website
Display your support of Stanford University Press with these banners.
Petition for Stanford-affiliated individuals
Petition for the wider community
Business Information
Universty Business: Why a University Press is a Good Investment
by Darrin Pratt and Susan Doerr
The Costs of Publishing Monographs
Ithaka S+R
Advocacy Tools
Toolkit for AUPresses members (sign in)
Value of University Presses
SUP Information
Press Website
Community Responses
Scholarly Societies Respond
16 Societies co-sign letter (added 5/15/19)
Led by the American Comparative Literature Association, joined by:
American Anthropological Association
American Historical Association
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
American Sociological Association
Association for Jewish Studies
Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
International Center for Medieval Art
Latin American Studies Association
Middle East Studies Association
Modern Language Association
Phi Beta Kappa Society
Rhetoric Society of America
Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing
Society of Architectural Historians
Society of Biblical Literature
American Historical Association letter (added 5/10/19)
Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes statement (added 5/6/19)
Association for Political and Legal Anthropology letter (added 5/6/19)
Stanford University Graduate Students Open Letter (added 5/2/19)
American Sociological Association letter
Modern Language Association: Letter to Stanford and 2013 Statement in Support of University Presses
Scholars, Authors, and the Community Respond
Karin Wulf in the Scholarly Kitchen: “Stanford University Press and the Wrong Lesson of the Humanities” (6/24/19)
Quinn Barry in the Stanford Review: “Does Stanford Understand the Importance of the Humanities?” (added 6/3/19)
David Palumbo-Liu in Times Higher Education: “Failure to support presses is a betrayal of the academic mission” (added 5/15/19)
Ilya Somin in the Atlantic: “University Presses Shouldn’t Have to Make a Profit” (added 5/14/19)
Michael Rothberg in the Nation: “One of World’s Wealthiest Educational Institutions May Close Its Renowned Press” (added 5/8/19)
Michael Rothberg Open Letter “Save Stanford’s World-Class Press” (Stanford Daily)
Cathy Davidson in the Chronicle and on the HASTAC blog
Samuel Cohen: On Value and And I Was Worried About Kentucky
Ge Wang: Twitter Thread 1, Album: 2019 People of SUP, Twitter Thread 2
Ignacio Sánchez Prado on Twitter
Ilya Somin in Reason