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University Press Publishers to Gather in Montréal

Registration Opens for AUPresses 2024 Annual Meeting

logo for AUPresses 2024 Annual Meeting, showing Montreal landmarks in silhouette, text reads" AUPresses 2024 June 11-13 Montreal Quebec, #aupresses24

The Association of University Presses (AUPresses) is delighted to announce plans for its 2024 Annual Meeting, to be held in Montréal, Quebec, on June 11-13.

A preliminary program for this flagship event is available and registration is now open.

The 2024 Annual Meeting Program Committee, co-chaired by David Aycock (Deputy Director, Baylor University Press) and Michelle Sybert (Assistant Director, University of Notre Dame Press), has organized 3 plenaries and more than 35 concurrent sessions and networking events to inspire and inform participants as well as foster the collaborative spirit for which this community of mission-driven publishers is known. 

Artificial intelligence; equity, justice, inclusion and belonging; accessibility; the international landscape; open access; and building strong lists of books and journals all figure prominently in this year’s program.

Plenary speakers will offer vital perspectives on issues of concern and deep interest to this professional community:

  • Charles Forsdick, James Barrow Professor of French at the University of Liverpool and Adjunct Professor in Translation Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, will speak on “Diversity of Voices through Translation,” offering an update on the international research project, “Bibliodiversity in Translation and Publishing.” Forsdick is also Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board and a non-executive Director at Liverpool University Press.
  • Guillaume Lajoie, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Montréal, and Peter Schoppert, Director, National University of Singapore Press, will discuss the topic of AI and publishing.
  • Kimberley Stephenson, Trade Buyer Bookstore Services, McGill University Bookstore, will address the status of independent bookselling in Canada as well as offer observations of US and Canadian academic publishing.

Sessions such as  “Practicing What You Publish: Presses, Authors, and Controversial Topics,” “New Formats, New Topics, New Authors, New Audiences: Diversifying Journals Content,” “Scholarly Publishing in a War Zone,” “Conferences 101: How to Survive (and Thrive) at Your Next Academic Conference,” “Navigating Social Media Marketing in a Post-Twitter World,” and “Prioritizing Ethics and Community-based Practices: Publishing Models for Native and Indigenous Studies” will allow participants to explore big-picture challenges with panels that dive into the nuts and bolts of the day-to-day publishing.

Pre-meeting gatherings will address topics of particular interest to the business operations and journals professionals as well as press directors. Other sessions will offer an update from the AUPresses Career Progression Task Force (working jointly with the Society for Scholarly Publishing and Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers), an introduction to “Press Finances for Non-Financial Staff,” and even an interactive trivia event exploring EDP practices.

During the conference, the AUPresses community will also celebrate the 2024 Book, Jacket, and Journal Show. This annual juried competition honors the design and production teams whose work furthers a long tradition of excellence in university press publication design. This year’s competition received more than 500 entries.

Providing professional education opportunities to members is an essential part of its mission. The Association works to assist all in taking advantage of the unique professional development and networking opportunity that is the Annual Meeting by offering group deals for member presses and discounted nonprofit registration rates for nonmembers.

AUPresses Annual Meetings alternate yearly between in-person and virtual formats, embracing a full spectrum of collaborative, educational, and networking opportunities for all members and the wider network of community partners.

About the Association of University Presses

AUPresses is an organization of 160 international nonprofit scholarly publishers. Since 1937, the Association of University Presses advances the essential role of a global community of publishers whose mission is to ensure academic excellence and cultivate knowledge. The Association holds intellectual freedom, integrity, stewardship, and equity and inclusion as core values. AUPresses members are active across many scholarly disciplines, including the humanities, arts, and sciences, publish significant regional and literary work, and are innovators in the world of digital publishing.

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Avanzamos en la consolidación del papel vital de una comunidad global de editores cuya misión es garantizar la excelencia académica y cultivar el conocimiento.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Spanish